Chapter 451 Disgusted

This feeling is like being hit by electricity, but electricity is a kind of pain, and his feeling is happiness.

Most importantly, he found that he could no longer control himself.

The woman in front of him was so beautiful that it made him a little carried away.

"Beauty, beauty, beauty..." kept shouting, constantly wanting to get closer, wanting to absorb, wanting to possess.

The moment the man's eyes blurred, An Yi knew that it was time to act!

An Yi moved her hands together, and slammed her palm hard on the man's chest.

This palm used up all of An Yi's strength. Of course, this was not the most important attack. The main thing was that at the moment the man was in awe, some white powder floated towards the man.

By the time the man noticed it, it was too late.

Part of the white powder had been inhaled by him.

That's part of it, and it's enough for him.

"You... who are you?" The moment the man fell down, there was still disbelief in his eyes.

Originally thought it would be an encounter, but did not expect that it would be a murderous intent, a murderous intent against him.

I don't know if it was to make the man sick for a while, An Yi slowly revealed his figure in front of the man.

When An Yi appeared, the man's eyes showed shock, but there was no disgusted look in An Yi's imagination.


Just when An Yi wondered if the man had some neurological problem, the man finally couldn't bear it and vomited, this vomiting even made his stomach come out.

"Hahaha..." Bai Ze, who was hiding in the dark, finally couldn't help it, and burst out laughing.

This smile is earth-shattering!

"Boss!" An Yi said respectfully after seeing Bai Ze appearing.

And this boss just blurted out.

Hearing this claim, Bai Ze looked at An Yi unexpectedly, but he didn't stop him, obviously, he also agreed.

Bai Ze's non-objection made Anyi excited.

Fortunately, it also understands that now is not a good time to cheer.

"Master, this bastard has a lot of good things on him!" It's very difficult to escape Bai Ze's eyes, once he is stared at by him, he will never die, even if all the good things are in the man's space ring at this time.

But even so, as long as Bai Ze wants to know, he can naturally know.

"Here we come!" As soon as Ye Yayan heard that there was something good, Ye Yayan naturally wouldn't miss it, and immediately appeared in front of the man.

At this moment, the man who was lying on the ground dying and being slaughtered by others, the moment he saw Ye Yayan's appearance, his eyes stopped moving, and he stared at Ye Yayan firmly.

That look seemed to swallow Ye Yayan alive.

If the woman transformed by An Yi was a peerless beauty before, then Ye Yayan is the Nine Heavens Xuannv, and that kind of temperament is not comparable to other people.

As a person rolling from the crowd of women, the man was attracted, deeply attracted the moment he saw Ye Yayan.


An Yi stretched out a paw, and slapped the man directly, making him dizzy.

"Paralyzed, you can watch my master too!" As if the fight wasn't cool enough, An Yi slapped down again.

The paw went down, and in an instant, the man's face was scratched to pieces.

Seeing this scene, others might think it was cruel, but Ye Yayan felt relieved, this scumbag should be treated like this, because she was disgusted by the things in his ring!
(End of this chapter)

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