Chapter 452

This man came out not only as a pervert, but also as a pervert, a complete pervert.

He actually recorded all the scenes of his work in the photo stone, whether it was voluntary or forced, every scene was recorded very carefully.

If it was just like this, maybe Ye Yayan wouldn't be disgusted.

But she saw the heinous scene by accident.

He actually brutally killed the women he had been in love with one by one, peeled off their skins, and made them into dolls. When he saw the dolls in his ring, Ye Yayan's As if getting an electric shock, the hand threw the ring viciously.


Ye Yayan vomited, and vomited once hard!
This pervert, this scum, a hundred deaths are not enough.

"Master, take this thing for him, and promise to give him a different experience!" You Lan also saw that scene, even if there was only a trace of soul, he was still shocked, if there was only a trace of soul left, I'm afraid he would have killed him long ago.

"I think it's dirty!" The dirty, of course, doesn't mean that the poisonous powder refined by You Lan is dirty, but that this man is too dirty, and she doesn't want to touch it at all.

"I also dislike it, but there is no way. If the master doesn't want to watch the show, then so be it. Anyway, the poison before is enough for him!" Provocative method, this is definitely You Lan's provocative method.

In normal times, Ye Yayan would have no effect at all on this provocative method, but now that the person she is facing is scum, she can only be provoked by the provocative method.

If possible, Ye Yayan would like to see that his life would be worse than death!
"Give it to me!" Finally, Ye Yayan made a decision, and before that, all she had to do was to ensure that he would not die, otherwise, they would not be able to see the scene where his life was worse than death.

After the poison and antidote were mixed and fed to the man, Ye Yayan used the cleansing technique to wash her hands continuously, she was afraid of being infected by bacteria, she had better be careful with this kind of person born with abnormal toxins.


Painful cries began to fill the entire sky, but unfortunately, no matter how loudly he yelled, no matter how hoarse he was, no one could hear him, because the moment he yelled, Bai Ze blocked the space they were in.

Therefore, no matter how much this man does, it will be in vain.

Unfortunately, he doesn't know anything about this.

He was still yelling, trying to call out to his companions through his shouts.

The pain, the kind of pain that seemed to be scraped by someone with a knife, made the man roll on the ground, and this was just the beginning of the pain.

If it is just to make him hurt, it will not alleviate the sins he has committed, besides, it is You Lan who made the shot this time.

You Lan either didn't make a move, or killed people when he made a move.

However, this time, he didn't directly kill the person, but made him suffer endlessly, just like the woman he had treated back then.

"Does it hurt? This is just the beginning. When you hurt those girls back then, did you ever think that you would have the same experience!" Just now, You Lan sent her a voice transmission. If a person dies directly, he will fall into an illusion, and this illusion is to let him go to the eighteenth floor of hell and try all the tortures in the eighteenth floor of hell.

He won't die until after trying those tortures, which can be regarded as allowing him to experience the torture of the [-]th hell in advance!
(End of this chapter)

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