Chapter 453 The Kind Lie
Ye Yayan and Bai Ze didn't want to watch the man's pain. With a big wave of Bai Ze's hand, they cast a barrier and left the place.

The man's life and death are already doomed, so they don't need to waste any more time paying attention to everything about him.

After leaving the spot, Ye Yayan didn't speak, he was in a very bad mood at this time.

If you don't have strength, you can only let others bully you, just like those poor women.

Even if some are voluntary, most are forced.

Ye Yayan didn't want to recall the scenes in the photo stone, but those pictures were like the soul of the tarsus, unable to get out of her mind for a long time.

"Master, do you feel worthless for those girls?" Ye Yayan didn't say a word while walking all the way, which was a bit strange.

Although Bai Ze knew that Ye Yayan was unhappy about the previous incident, but if it was because of those women, then there was no need.

"Yes, it's not worth it. Those girls who are as young as flowers are being abused like this, and even killed so cruelly!" When Ye Yayan said this, his voice was full of anger.

"Master, do you know how those women fell into that man's eyes?" Bai Ze felt that he had to speak out, otherwise, Ye Yayan might enter a dead end and be unable to get out.

"Could it be that they took the initiative to seduce him?" Ye Yayan bit the word "seduce" hard.

"Yes!" Bai Ze said with certainty.

"But, that's not what I saw with my eyes!" Ye Yayan saw it with both eyes, it wasn't that they seduced actively as Bai Ze said, what she saw was that they were forced.

Of course, some of them were active, but that was only a few, most of them were forced.

"Haven't you heard that there is a kind of taste that is disguise? Those women are just pretending to be like that, in order to enhance that man's sexuality!" Bai Ze has already said this very clearly.

Enough with these women, they can go from chaste women to **** sluts in a second in order to get what they want.

"Is that so?" Ye Yayan still doubted Bai Ze's words, after all, it was the fact she saw with her eyes.

"Those women are all self-inflicted. Of course, that man is indeed perverted. It is true that many of these women have been persecuted, but there are not as many as you can see!" Sometimes, appropriate Lies are also for the benefit of others.

I'm just sorry for those women!

For the good of his master, Bai Ze is willing to tell some lies, kind lies!

Hearing Bai Ze's words, the stagnant breath in his chest was slowly dissipating.

In fact, Ye Yayan also knew this point, but she couldn't get over the cut in her heart, if Bai Ze didn't remind her this time, the consequences would really suffer.

Once possessed by the inner demon, even if Ye Yayan has the ability to reach the sky, he will fall into the devil's way.

Mo Dao, then it is really beyond redemption!

Seeing Ye Yayan's brows gradually loosen, Bai Ze also heaved a sigh of relief.

"We're looking for our next target!" They had already wasted enough time dealing with this scumbag.

"The target will be delivered to the door by itself, we just wait here!" At this moment, another person came into Bai Ze's eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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