Chapter 454

At the same time, the high-level members of Wan Jianzong didn't gain anything. On the contrary, they were trapped in some formations and enchantments.

Although they have been to this place, they have not all set foot there. No, they were very lucky to walk into the formation and enchantment.

In addition, the formation and barrier in this place were changed by Feng Linyue, which caused everyone to come out of the formation and barrier.

"Paralyzed, which bastard is this who changed the formation?" While cursing constantly, he was looking for the formation.

But their strength is limited, it is impossible to find the eyes of the formation, and if they cannot find the eyes of the formation, they will not be able to get out of the formation at all.



There was a huge explosion mixed with some screams. Obviously, someone was caught.

After that, there were screams one after another.

Hearing these screams, the corners of Ye Yayan's and Bai Ze's lips curled up.

This, the voice, is really pleasant to hear!

"Are they fighting among themselves?" If this is the case, it would be great, they don't need to take action, and they will finish the game by themselves.

"I'm afraid it's almost the same!" Bai Ze also had a happy expression on his face. He originally thought that he would have to do a good job this time, but he didn't expect that they had set themselves up for themselves.

"Then let's reap the benefits of the fisherman?"

"Good idea, these people are not cheap!" Bai Ze looked at Ye Yayan amusedly.

Although these people have entered a predicament, these people have also seen big storms. Although they are trapped now, as long as they are given time, they can still get out of trouble.

At least, they still need to prepare.

"Then who are you targeting this time?" Who is so unfortunate as to be their ghost?
This time, Ye Yayan would not refuse anyone who came, and if she wanted to completely stir up Wan Jianzong, it would be best to turn them upside down.

"I don't know!" Bai Ze rolled his eyes. Although it can pinch its fingers and calculate the future, it would be too boring to rely on calculations for this kind of thing.

"Huh? This guy is not bad!" Suddenly, Bai Ze let out a sound of surprise.

This sound of surprise focused Ye Yayan's attention. People who can be said to be good by Bai Ze must be not simple people, but it is not known whether this good is a derogatory term or a commendatory term.

"This person is..." Ye Yayan also noticed the person Bai Ze was talking about, but the moment she saw this person, she recognized him.

It's him!

"Master knows this person?" Ye Yayan's reaction was a bit strange, but, it has been with Ye Yayan all this time, and it didn't know that she knew such a person.

"Elder Ye Patriarch—Ye Qingchuan!" Ye Yayan quickly revealed the person's name.

But, why did Ye Patriarch appear in this place?
And this person is also the person who was deemed dead by the Ye family.

That's right, the person named Ye Qingchuan in front of him has long been recognized as a dead person by the Ye family.

It is very strange that people who have long died appear here.

"Elder Ye Patriarch? This is strange!" After hearing Ye Yayan's words, Bai Ze was a little confused.

This place has always been the territory of Wan Jianzong. Generally speaking, people from other families, except for the younger generation, can appear here, and it is impossible for people from other families to be here. But it appeared here, I have to say it is very strange!
(End of this chapter)

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