Chapter 455
"One more thing, you may not know, the elder Ye Qingchuan has been expelled from the Ye family, and his name appears on the death list of the Ye family!" Although he is an abandoned son of the Ye family, there are some things about the Ye family. , she still knows.

"On the death list? Is this a dead person? Is his life card broken?" Most big families have a life card of their own. As long as the life card is broken, it can be concluded that this person has died. die.

Since Ye Qingchuan is the elder of the Ye family, he naturally has his own life card. If he is a person who died, then his life card will naturally be shattered.

"This... I don't know!" She really didn't know whether the life card was broken, how could she know such a thing.

"This man is not dead, but there seems to be something wrong with his soul!" At first, Bai Ze didn't look carefully, it just thought this man was good, but now that Ye Yayan said so, it investigated deeply , Only then did he realize that his soul was a little weird.

"What's the problem?" The soul problem is quite a big one.

"If my guess is correct, his soul once escaped, but because of that treasure, his soul returned and even recombined at the moment of escape!" Bai Ze said. As soon as it came out, Ye Yayan was a little shocked.

The recombination of the soul, if it hadn't come from Bai Ze's mouth, she wouldn't believe it even if she was killed.

If it is said that the soul is reunited, this is acceptable, but now, it is the recombination of the soul, which is really too weird.

"Is he in a state of amnesia now?" If so, it is not surprising that he is here.

And considering his age, and the high level of Wan Jianzong entering here this time, it is obvious that his identity is the high level of Wan Jianzong.

This also makes it understandable that Ye Qingchuan, as the elder of Ye Patriarch, will become the top executive of Wan Jianzong.

"It should be, and his power seems to be sealed!" The Ye Qingchuan in front of him was really weird.

Such a person makes him have the urge to find out.

"Then why did you say he was good before?" Ye Yayan was still a little "broken" about what Bai Ze said before.

"There is no bloody smell on this person, and the most important thing is that he has good strength!" Bai Ze still had a high evaluation of Ye Qingchuan.

"There is no bloody smell on his body, you mean, he didn't kill anything?" The bloody smell on his body can be covered with other things, but in Bai Ze's view, no matter how many things are used to cover it up, as long as it wants to know , that is completely self-explanatory.

"Master, the killing has already started from birth. How could there be no blood? What I said is that he never kills innocent people. He only kills people who should be killed." On this point, Bai Ze I knew it the first time I saw Ye Qingchuan.

To be able to become a high-ranking member of Wanjianzong, in such a position, to commit suicide should be killed, of course such a person can be called a good one!

"So, there are still good people in the Ye family?" For the Ye family, Ye Yayan doesn't have a good impression at all. If she didn't know that she is not from the Ye family, she might have changed her name a long time ago.

"At least, this Ye family is not good!" Bai Ze praised Ye Qingchuan again, which made Ye Yayan's curiosity about Ye Qingchuan even more serious!
(End of this chapter)

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