The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 456 Soul Reorganization

Chapter 456 Soul Reorganization
"I'm very curious now, how did he lose his memory and enter the Ten Thousand Swords School?" Ye Yayan was very curious about this point. Logically speaking, this is impossible.

And even if Ye Qingchuan lost his memory, there was no doubt that he was from the Ye family. Why was Wan Jianzong willing to let him take on an important position?

Furthermore, the people of Wan Jianzong are not fools, they absolutely do not allow people from other families to participate in their affairs, but now, not only Ye Qingchuan joined Wan Jianzong, but even entered here from Ye Qingchuan It can be seen that his status in Wan Jianzong is not low.

Is it just because of his amnesia?

Wan Jianzong did not run a charity hall, and they would never reuse Ye Qingchuan because of his amnesia.

Amnesia is not loss of judgment!

"Is it because of the soul reorganization you said?" If this is the case, then it is possible.

People from Wan Jianzong want to use him for experiments.

Once the experiment is successful, then...

Thinking of this possibility, Ye Yayan's heart trembled, and he suddenly had a very bad intuition.

Soul reorganization, such a thing may be difficult for people on the Sky Continent, but for those crazy scientists in the 21st century, such a thing does not seem to be difficult, as long as they are given enough time and money, They will be able to complete this impossible task.

Thinking that Wan Jianzong's biggest boss might be from the 21st century, then things seem to be corresponding.

Bai Ze didn't follow up on Ye Yayan's words, because it also thought of this possibility.

Only this possibility can explain all this.

"Although I don't know the purpose of Wan Jianzong, Ye Qingchuan in front of me must be the object of Wan Jianzong's training. If we use it... then the people of Wan Jianzong will jump their feet!" Thinking of the people of Wan Jianzong Ye Yayan had the urge to laugh because of his face.

Of course, they would not do anything to Ye Qingchuan. If Ye Qingchuan was a heinous person, they would definitely not let him go, but now, Ye Qingchuan is also considered a good person. Although their definition of a good person is not so perfect, at least, this Ye Qingchuan, they don't intend to destroy it.

Since you don't intend to destroy it, you can only send him into Youlan Space. You must know that Youlan is very happy to accept such novelty.

"Master, you have to think about it. We can already guess that Ye Qingchuan's status in Wan Jianzong is not low, and based on our current estimation, Wan Jianzong must have plans for him. If so , he must have something placed by Wan Jianzong, once we do it, will everything we do be seen by other people in Wan Jianzong?" This point must be considered.

"You said he has a monitor?" Ye Yayan summed up Bai Ze's long speech in the simplest terms.

"Monitor?" Although Bai Ze couldn't understand the word Ye Yayan uttered, he still understood the literal meaning, so he nodded, "It's possible!"

"If there is really a monitor, then it is really inappropriate for us to take action!" The most important thing is that they don't know where the "monitor" on his body is.

(End of this chapter)

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