Chapter 472

In the eyes of these people, Ye Yayan and others really exist like ants, even if they have joined the disciples of Wan Jianzong, they will not take them seriously.

These people only regard themselves as the most important thing.

In Wanjianzong, one can see the ugliest side of human nature.

Of course, it is not possible to completely veto everyone in Wan Jianzong. In Wan Jianzong, there are still some people who are good.

"Uncle Ye, since you have guessed the purpose of Wan Jianzong and those people, why do you still stay in Wan Jianzong?" At this moment, Ye Yayan forgot to let Ye Qingchuan cooperate with her.

Hearing Ye Yayan's words, Ye Qingchuan smiled slightly.

Mu Wan's daughter is really different from ordinary people!

"Although I guessed it, but I can't leave Wan Jianzong. Wan Jianzong's means of controlling people is a must!" Ye Qingchuan didn't say what Wan Jianzong did to him, but said that his means of controlling people was excellent. This is already a disguised reminder to Ye Yayan that once he enters Wanjianzong, he cannot help himself.

"Actually, I can help you get rid of the Gu poison in your body, as long as you want to get rid of it!" Bai Ze said inadvertently again, and as soon as he said this, Ye Qingchuan was stunned, his eyes were full of tears. Unbelievable color.

Gu poison, he did have the Gu poisoned by Wan Jianzong.

Originally, after learning about this incident, he started to adjust his body, but unfortunately, what made him depressed was that this Gu was not an ordinary Gu at all, even the most skilled pharmacist could not get rid of the Gu from his body. Forced out, at the beginning, he didn't believe in this evil, but as time passed, he had to believe that this Gu could not be removed from his body at all.

Now, when he suddenly heard Bai Ze say that, he was still surprised.

"Gu poison? What Gu?" Ye Yayan was startled when she heard this. She never thought that Wan Jianzong would use Gu to control people.

"Thousand threads Gu!" As a divine beast, Bai Ze can naturally restrain all evil things, and Gu can also be classified as evil things.

"Thousands of Threads Gu, doesn't it take thousands of steps to get rid of it from the body?" Although Ye Yayan has never seen the Thousands of Threads Gu, he has heard of it.

This Gu is very difficult to cultivate, but its effect is very great.

Ye Yayan never thought that Wan Jianzong would use the Thousand Threads Gu on Ye Qingchuan.

"This is just a common solution. For me, it only takes one step!" Bai Ze said this very casually, but it was not the same thing when it fell into Ye Qingchuan's ears.

For this Gu, he worked so hard, but unfortunately, he didn't get any results. He didn't give up until he had no other way, but he didn't expect that this time, there would be such a big surprise.

"Is there no danger?" Ye Yayan still believed in Bai Ze's method, but even if there was only a slight mistake in this inexhaustible Gu, it would be in vain. Even, as the carrier of the Gu poison, Ye Yayan Kiyokawa will die.

"Danger, of course there is, but, master, do you trust me?" Actually, for Bai Ze, the danger is gone at all, it said so just to see Ye Yayan's attitude.

You know, attitude is everything.

"I believe!" Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Yayan said these three words.

Yes, she believed it!

(End of this chapter)

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