Chapter 473
Hearing Ye Yayan's words, a smile appeared on Bai Ze's face. Although he already knew the ending, he was still very satisfied to hear her words with his own ears.

"What about you?" Although Ye Yayan believed it, everything still depended on Ye Qingchuan.

"Of course I believe it too!" Ye Qingchuan is also a bachelor, it would be great if he could get rid of the inexhaustible Gu in his body, even if he couldn't get rid of it, he would die at worst.

Death, he didn't have much fear when he came to the book, the only regret was that he didn't have the chance to see Mu Wan, and it was worth it if he couldn't see Mu Wan's daughter.

"It's just for you, I guarantee you will not die!" Either you don't open your mouth to promise, and once you promise, you must stick to the promise to the end.

"Bai Ze, be careful!" These words not only tell Bai Ze to be careful, but also to make him be careful with Ye Qingchuan.

"It's okay!" It's just to remove the myriad threads of Gu in his body, there is no need to worry about this at all.

I don't see how Bai Ze made a move, but a ray of light slowly emerged from its body. The moment the milky white light was released from Bai Ze's body, Ye Yayan felt that the space they were in became holy. .

At this moment, she felt like she was going to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately.

At the same time, Ye Qingchuan also felt the Gu worms in his body ready to move, "Ah..." A scream came out from Ye Qingchuan's mouth.

The screams rang out one after another.

The Gu worms kept hitting Ye Qingchuan's body, trying to break through his body and fly out, but they were pulled by the mother Gu, so they could only stay in Ye Qingchuan's body.

The pain, this kind of pain, is really painful.

Ye Yayan looked at Ye Qingchuan's exposed skin, which was bulged one by one, and the small bugs in the skin kept hitting his body. Even if he just looked at it, he knew how unbearable the pain was.

Wan Jianzong, if he uses such a myriad of threads Gu to control people, that would be a really good method.

As time went on, Ye Yayan also noticed sweat dripping from Bai Ze's forehead. Obviously, this time, Bai Ze also put in a lot of effort, otherwise it wouldn't have needed to do so given its strength.

At this time, Bai Ze couldn't help but burst out, it never thought that Wan Jianzong would be so despicable, under the countless Gu, there are other Gu insects, even more than one kind, Originally, it didn't need to expend such a lot of energy, but now, even if it uses all the strength of the whole body, it is still somewhat difficult.

How to do?
The words have been spoken, and now they can't be taken back, and the most important thing is that before that, it also assured Ye Qingchuan and Ye Yayan that nothing would happen, but now, if it continues like this, it will have its own There is a problem, let alone Ye Qingchuan.

Ye Yayan also noticed that something was wrong with Bai Ze. Although she knew it, she couldn't do anything about it because she didn't know what to do.

"Master, let's go help!" Ye Yayan didn't know how to do it, but Feng Xi and An Yi knew that what Bai Ze urgently needed at this time was strength, although their strength was weak, at least they could Share a little for Baize.

Hearing Feng Xi and An Yi's words, Ye Yayan immediately summoned them from the contract space, and Feng Xi and An Yi started to act in an instant.

Although these two beasts are not as powerful as Bai Ze's, they can be regarded as alleviating Bai Ze's crisis and will not let Bai Ze lose his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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