The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 474 Elimination of Gu Poison

Chapter 474 Elimination of Gu Poison
Fortunately, the addition of Feng Xi and An Yi relieved some of Bai Ze's pressure, otherwise, the problem would have been serious.

Not only was his face hurt, but more importantly, Bai Ze would be injured, and if he was injured in his infancy, it would be a considerable obstacle for him to enter maturity in the future.

"Master, help!" Bai Ze's voice was a little weak. Although he didn't want Ye Yayan to join, there was nothing he could do now.

"What should I do?" She didn't know what she should do, did she inject power into Bai Ze's body like An Yi and Feng Xi?

But is her power usable?
"Master, use the power of your demon king's lineage!" Naturally, she can't use the power from her father's lineage. If she really uses it, not only Ye Qingchuan's life will be lost, but even a few of them will be severely injured , but if Ye Yayan uses the power of the demon king's lineage, it will definitely be a good medicine for them.

"I don't know how to use it!" This is the key. Although she knows that she has the blood of the demon king in her body, she doesn't know how to stimulate the power of this blood.

"Use your thoughts, as long as you keep thinking about using the power of the demon king's blood, then the power you arouse must be the power of the demon king's blood, master, we believe in you!" The last sentence gave Ye Yayan endless emotion. pressure.

Did Bai Ze let her do the experiment?
If the experiment is successful, it will be very important not only to them, but also to her, but if it fails, then...

Ye Yayan didn't dare to think about this consequence, nor did she want to think about it.

"Master, hurry up!" Time forced her to think no more, she could only think about the blood of the Demon King in her heart, and went directly to where Bai Ze was.

With both hands moving together, body strength surged, and in an instant, it merged into Bai Ze's body.

When Ye Yayan's power submerged into Bai Ze's body, Bai Ze felt that his body was infused with vitality, a huge vitality burst out at this moment, and at the same moment, it forced the Gu worms in Ye Qingchuan's body out of his body.

As soon as the Gu worms appeared, Ye Yayan's expression froze for a while, with astonishment in his eyes.

Thousands of Threads Gu, I thought there were only one or two Gu insects, but I didn't expect that there were thousands of them.

Yes, there are thousands of Gu worms in Ye Qingchuan's body, and these Gu worms are not of the same species, which means that there are countless different types of Gu worms in Ye Qingchuan's body.

This is, is his body to be used as a container?

"Master, use fire, remember, don't use that flame!" After the Gu worm is out of the body, if you want to kill it, you must use fire. Shi Jinyan is not telling everyone that Fen Shi Jinyan is in Ye Yayan's hands.

At that moment, Ye Yayan threw the flame in his hand towards the Gu worms on the ground, and in an instant, the flame soared into the sky, and the poisonous gas was wanton.

If not for the extraordinary strength of all the people present, I am afraid that this poisonous gas would be able to wipe them out.

Looking at the Gu worms that turned into ashes, Ye Yayan also realized the reason why Bai Ze's strength was weak. With so many Gu worms, Bai Ze's strength would not be enough. If Feng Xi and An Yi hadn't seen the situation was wrong, Make a decisive move, otherwise, there will be a big problem this time.

Fortunately, fortunately, nothing happened!

At the moment when the Gu worm broke out of Ye Qingchuan's body, the person who controlled the Gu worm in Wan Jianzong spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were full of disbelief...

(End of this chapter)

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