The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 479 Cultivating Blood People

Chapter 479 Cultivating Blood People

"Master, what do you think he looks like?" Bai Ze asked inexplicably, which made Ye Yayan look at the man in front of him strangely.

In fact, this person should not be a man, but a woman, but her dress is exactly the same as that of a man, plus she looks like a man, and her tall and straight, rough figure makes her look more like a man, It's a pity that even if she looks like a man, she can only be regarded as a woman without an Adam's apple.

For female men, Ye Yayan does not reject them, on the contrary, he likes them a little bit, because such people don't have any flamboyant intestines, and their intestines go all the way to the end, and it is the most interesting to associate with such people.

However, the smell of blood on the woman in front of her was too strong. She seemed to be soaked in a bucket of blood every day, and she exuded an unpleasant smell of blood all over her body.

This is the person who came out of the blood pile.

Ye Yayan really didn't like anyone who came out of Wan Jianzong. Now, of course, Ye Qingchuan had to be eliminated.

Just like the woman in front of her, she felt disgusted from the bottom of her heart.

Looking at this woman is like seeing a bedbug. If possible, she wants to kill her right now!

"I didn't expect Wan Jianzong to cultivate blood people!" At first, Bai Ze just thought this person was strange. After careful investigation, he realized why this person was so strange. It turned out that she was trained by Wan Jianzong. blood man.

"Blood man, what is it?" It was the first time Ye Yayan heard the term blood man, and she was very curious. What does this blood man do?

Could it be that it sucks blood?
I have to say, this time, Ye Yayan's mind was wide open again.

It even reminds me of blood sucking.

"Blood man, if he is continuously cast into an iron wall, he will be powerful. However, I don't think this person is that powerful. Once he becomes an iron wall, it will be very troublesome to deal with. It may not be able to seriously injure her, unless it is with the Burning Golden Flame.

I didn't expect that in order to find the owner of the Fenshi Jinyan, even blood men would be dispatched. This time, Wan Jianzong really did a great job! "Bai Ze looked at the blood man in front of him, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

The strength of this blood man is indeed good, but if you want to use such a blood man to lure the owner of Fen Shi Jin Yan to show up, then you will underestimate them too much.

Actually, this time, Bai Ze really guessed too much.

The appearance of this blood man was not to lure the owner of Fenshi Jinyan to appear. The reason why she appeared here was to exercise her skills. You must know that Ye Ya was not the only person who entered here this time. It is said that a few of them and a large group of people have entered here.

People who can enter here have good strength and mentality, and they already have the confidence to enter Wanjianzong, but well, these people, in addition to being cannon fodder, also need to be training opponents for blood people.

It can be said that this time Wan Jianzong recruited people, it was really a pit of death.

It's still the kind that kills people without paying for their lives!
"Can this blood man know spells? If he can, then he is really powerful!" From Bai Ze's words just now, it can be heard that the blood man's physical attack is very powerful. With the use of spells, it would be really difficult to destroy her!
(End of this chapter)

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