Chapter 480

"Of course she will. It's not that she has no mind. You know, this person's mind is still very high!" This is what makes the blood man scary.

It would be much easier if she didn't have sanity and sanity, but the problem is that this bloody person not only retains her previous memories, but even improves her sanity. Fortunately, it is very difficult to cultivate a bloody person. Even if Wan Jianzong is really cultivating blood men, there may not be more than three.

However, if this really allowed them to cultivate a blood man with an impregnable wall, it would be a catastrophe for the Sky Continent.

How can they control this bloody man with an iron wall?

Now, maybe they can still control the blood man, but when she grows up, they really can't help them. This kind of blood man is quite evil. There was a long day.

Of course, it doesn't need to worry about it, it's the people of Wan Jianzong who should worry about it.

"Why do I feel that Wanjianzong is a place of wolves, tigers and leopards!" From this series of events, it can be seen that Wanjianzong is really a terrifying place.

Gu worms, blood men, etc., such evil methods should not be done by a famous sect.

"Wolfs, tigers and leopards, it's okay, you will see a scene that is even more unacceptable to you!" At this time, Bai Ze had already detected the inside of Wan Jianzong through his own induction. That really gave it the urge to kill.

Damn, it's so damn bad!

Wan Jianzong should be destroyed!

At this moment, Bai Ze also understood the feeling in Luo Lihao's heart.

One leaf knows the autumn, Wan Jianzong on Yuntian Continent looks like this, and other continents must be the same.

I hate it, I hate it from the bottom of my heart, if it can, it will really destroy Wan Jianzong.

Unfortunately, it can't!

It can't use the most instinctive power. Once it is used, there is no need for this continent to exist. Therefore, no matter how angry you are, you must hold back.

Although it can't, it still has Ye Yayan, and it believes that Ye Yayan can do it.

Although Ye Yayan's strength is indeed weak at this time, it believes that as long as she is given enough time, she will definitely be able to do what she wants to do.

it believes!
"To solve this?" In fact, even if Ye Yayan didn't ask Bai Ze, she would still make a move. Let's not say that this bloody man was trained by Wan Jianzong, just say that this woman, she also has a reason to kill .

If such a person lets her stay in this world, it will definitely be a disaster. Since she meets her, there is no reason to miss it.

At that moment, Ye Yayan walked out from the dark place without any concealment.

This time, she also needs to exercise her fists and feet well. Since her physical attacks are powerful, she can't show weakness.

Her martial arts are also quite good.

I don't know if it's like what Bai Ze said, the sanity and mind of this blood man have not been wiped out. After seeing Ye Yayan appear, she didn't choose to attack, but observed secretly, and when she found that Ye Yayan didn't seem to be After there was no threat, they began to attack Ye Yayan.

The blood man's attack method was very simple. He used a simple and rough attack, that is, raised his fist and came towards her face.

If it is hit by her, it will really be disfigured, even if it is repaired with pills, it may not be able to repair it!
(End of this chapter)

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