Chapter 481 Is Really Amazing

When Ye Yayan saw that the fist was about to approach his face, he twisted his body and dodged at a strange angle. Although he dodged, the fist wind still slashed Ye Yayan's face away.

A cut just appeared on Ye Yayan's cheek. If it were placed on other people, it would be disfigured. Fortunately, it doesn't count on Ye Yayan's body. This cut will only leave a slight mark at most. It disappears within a day.

Ye Yayan didn't care about the wound on her face, she paid more attention to the bloody woman.

Normally, Ye Yayan wouldn't be hurt by the fist wind, on the contrary, she could still attack the moment she backed away.

Unfortunately, this time, nothing worked.

"Bai Ze, this bloody woman is so powerful!" She was injured just by a physical attack. If it was a magical attack, would she have been beaten to the ground and unable to get up?

This is really possible.

"This is not the most powerful, this woman can only beat you until you vomit blood!" Bai Ze obviously can't comfort others, not only can't comfort others, but also beat Ye Yayan blindly.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid he would have been furious by now, but Ye Yayan didn't respond.

She also understood Bai Ze, and the most important thing was that what he said was true.

If there were no special means, she would definitely be beaten until she vomited blood. Although her life would not be in danger, she would not feel good either. To kill the blood woman, she had to use flames.

Ye Yayan couldn't think of Burning World Jinyan. Using other flames, it might not be able to destroy the bloody woman.

"I'll try her strength first!" Because of dodging, Ye Yayan didn't directly confront the blood woman. Now, she wants to try her strength.

The female blood man didn't give Ye Yayan a chance to breathe, and once again raised her fist to attack her.

This time, Ye Yayan didn't dodge, but raised his fist and went towards the bloody woman.

With a click, Ye Yayan's arm cracked and was shattered.

This blow also let Ye Yayan know how powerful the female blood man's physical attack is.

You know, she used her strength on her fists, and put her grudge on her fists, but it still had no effect. Not only was it useless, but she also injured her shattered arm. This is a fact.

Ye Yayan took out the elixir from the blue space, and in an instant, his arm returned to its original state. If it wasn't for his confidence, maybe this time it would be bad.

"This bloody woman is really powerful!" Even so, Ye Yayan still didn't flinch, and once again went up to meet her.

Of course, this time, Ye Yayan did not directly confront the blood woman. Having already experienced it once, it is impossible for her to confront the blood woman head-on again.

At some point, she had already held the Vulcan whip in her hand, and as soon as the Vulcan whip came out, the temperature of her whole body rose.

The moment the Vulcan Whip appeared, Ye Yayan clearly felt the fear of the female blood man, because her attack speed was slowing down, and her body was retreating unconsciously, in order not to contact her.

The more she retreats, the more Ye Yayan presses on. How could she miss such a good training partner.

The Vulcan whip danced out circles of fire, blocking the female vampire's escape route, wrapped in fire circles, making the vampire woman howl...

(End of this chapter)

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