Chapter 482 Someone attacked
ooh ooh...

Although the female blood person still has sanity and sanity, she has lost the ability to speak, and at this moment she can only scream like this.

Ever since she was refined into a blood-human, she had never encountered such a thing. Being forced to such a level, she even had no way out.

From the moment Ye Yayan sacrificed the Vulcan Whip, she had the intention of retreating, but unfortunately, Ye Yayan didn't give her a chance, and even forced her to lose her mind. At this moment, she understood that it was not her who died , that is, Ye Yayan died.

So, no matter how frightened she was, she had to go head-on.

After realizing this, the blood woman no longer retreated, but used spells.

In an instant, Ye Yayan and the others were covered with a layer of blood mist. The thick blood mist made Ye Yayan have the urge to vomit, but she still endured it.

The moment the blood mist appeared was also the moment when the female blood man launched the strongest attack.

The blood mist is poisonous, and this toxin will directly affect the nerves. If Ye Yayan's physical strength and mental strength were not strong, maybe this time it would be bad.

Even so, Ye Yayan still felt dizzy even though he had used the detoxification pill.

This is the moment!
The female blood man realized that this was the best time to attack, and immediately attacked Ye Yayan's heart regardless of 21.

Just one more step closer, and her fist can pierce her body.

It was getting closer, getting closer, just when the blood woman thought she could succeed, she realized that Ye Yayan's person had already disappeared from her sight, and what was left was only an afterimage of her.

Ye Yayan also used the speed to the extreme, but this time, she used the method of residual image.

Although it is not the first time for Ye Yayan to use the method of afterimage, she also uses it at such an urgent time.

It has to be said that Ye Yayan is very bold. If the afterimage method loses its effect, she will be seriously injured even if she does not die.

Bai Ze breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ye Yayan disappear from the bloody woman. He also had to break into a cold sweat for Ye Yayan. , using the afterimage method.

ooh ooh...

The female blood man lost her hit, and immediately became angry, and attacked Ye Yayan again, but unfortunately, this time, she did not have such good luck, Ye Yayan would not stand obediently and wait Let her make another move.

With a flick of the fire god's whip, the fire dragon was born, and the fire danced the wild dragon, wrapping the blood woman up in an instant.

In just a short while, the bloody woman who was still clamoring was silent. Seeing the bloody woman who had been scorched on the ground, Ye Yayan also sat down on the ground.

Spirit power exhausted!

The Vulcan Whip, after all, is a divine tool, and it needs a huge amount of spiritual power to unleash its power. This blow exhausted all the spiritual power in her whole body. , she sat down on the ground exhausted, unwilling to get up.

"Be careful!" Suddenly, an arrow shot towards Ye Yayan. The speed was so fast that even if Ye Yayan was in a state of complete victory, she might not be able to avoid it. What's more, she is still in the power-off state.

The arrow just came out towards Ye Yayan's heart. If Ye Yayan didn't move, the arrow would pierce into her heart...

(End of this chapter)

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