Chapter 483
However, she couldn't move, and she couldn't even move a step when her body was exhausted.

The arrow came straight so straight, trying to sink into her body fiercely.


Blood splashed, but Ye Yayan didn't feel the slightest pain, because it wasn't her blood.

At the most critical moment, someone stood in front of her. This person was also the one who shouted "be careful" at the beginning, and Ye Yayan didn't know the person who stood in front of her at all.

"You..." Ye Yayan looked at the person standing in front of him strangely, not knowing what to say.

"Don't talk!" This man is also considered a tough guy. At this time, the arrow had already entered the man's body, but he did not even frown, and directly pulled the arrow out. In an instant, blood splashed The ground became even more powerful, but the man didn't feel anything, and looked sharply at the direction of the arrow not far away.

"What? You haven't come out yet? Do you want me to invite you out one by one?" While the man was speaking, a fierce aura pushed everyone away, and that posture seemed to kill them all.

Ye Yayan was still sitting on the ground, not because she didn't want to get up, nor because she was frightened by the posture just now, but because she really didn't have the strength, if she still had strength, how could she sit on the ground without moving.

Although she herself knew that she had no strength, so she sat on the ground all the time, but others didn't know that at that time, the arrow came towards Ye Yayan, trying to give her a blow, but when the arrow directly They walked towards her heart, but they didn't find any resistance from her, and they were a little embarrassed.

However, they just felt embarrassed and didn't feel any apology. In their view, there was not much problem in shooting one person, but they were stopped halfway.

And the main thing is, this person is still someone they can't afford to mess with.

"Lin Xuan, we don't want to be your enemy. Although your injury was caused by our arrows, it was not intentional. So, if you want revenge, then..." He didn't know what to do next. How to put it, if you want to say that he wants revenge, just come?

This is not possible, this person's fighting power is very strong, if he really seeks revenge from them, they really can't bear it.

However, if the words are not spoken, then the momentum will be low, and they don't want to be inferior.

"Hehe..." Just as they were talking, Ye Yayan laughed, with a sarcasm all over his face.

In terms of revenge, naturally she doesn't need the so-called Lin Xuan to take action, she can solve them by herself. Of course, she doesn't mean to kill them, but to teach them a lesson.

"What are you laughing at?" As for Ye Yayan, before, they really didn't take a closer look, but now, when they take a closer look, what the hell, a god!
This woman gave them the urge to turn into wolves.

Beauty, it is so beautiful, they have seen many beauties, but they have never discovered that there are such beautiful people in the world, and the creator is too partial, it seems that all the good things are concentrated on Ye Yayan.

Especially when Ye Yayan laughed, that inadvertent charm was revealed. Even this time, she smiled so sarcasticly, but she couldn't hide her beautiful smile.

(End of this chapter)

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