Chapter 487

Stupid, stupid, can no longer explain these people.

It can be said that these people are devout followers of the Temple of Light, and they are brainless fans.

If it weren't for the existence of these people, I am afraid that the Temple of Light would have developed further.

It's a pity to be dragged down by these people!
Of course, there is a problem with the Temple of Light itself, and it is not possible to put all the blame on them, but they cannot escape the responsibility. If she is the ruler of the Temple of Light, these people will definitely not be soft-hearted They were kicked out of her ranks.

There is a saying that if you are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, you are afraid of teammates who are like pigs. These people are no longer pigs.

At this time, what they were facing was not an earthquake, nor was it teleported to other places, but the place where they were was being attacked by monsters one after another.

These monsters are not powerful characters, they are just gophers, but even gophers can catch them all. As long as they are still standing on the ground, they cannot escape the fate of being brought underground by them.

Only god-level powerhouses can float in mid-air. Zun-level powerhouses can also do it, but they can't float in mid-air for a long time. At this time, Ye Yayan's strength has not reached the Zun-level. It can't be a god level, so she can only keep jumping around on the ground.

Seeing Ye Yayan bouncing back and forth on the ground, everyone burst into laughter. The laughter was harsh and unpleasant, like a magic voice.

"Do you want to help?" Lin Xuan is the pinnacle of the respect level, and he has already stepped into the gate of the god level with half a foot, but he is not a real god level. Although it is difficult for him to float in the air at this time, but He still reached out his hand to Ye Yayan.

"Thank you!" Ye Yayan just said thank you, and never spoke again.

This made Lin Xuan withdraw his hand that was about to reach out, and looked at Ye Yayan in a daze, wondering why she didn't choose his help?

Although it will be difficult to bring Ye Yayan, he believes that leaving here is not difficult, but he did not see that this place has been enchanted, and they can only leave here by defeating these gophers Otherwise, no one would want to leave.

"Lin Xuan, have you fallen in love with this bitch? It's a pity that this bitch doesn't like you at all, and you don't even piss and look in the mirror. Even if you look like a bear, people will also fall in love with you, haha Haha..." Everyone laughed out loud, the mocking laughter was very ear-piercing.

Lin Xuan didn't take this kind of ridicule to heart. First, he didn't fall in love with Ye Yayan as they said. Second, as far as his appearance is concerned, even if he is not handsome, he is not bad, so, Their ridicule is completely unnecessary.

"If you look like a bear, then you will look like a ghost!" Ye Yayan became more and more upset when he heard the ridicule from the crowd.

If it was any other situation, maybe she wouldn't speak up, but now the person they are talking about is Lin Xuan, who can be regarded as her savior, so naturally she won't just sit idly by.

"Hey, it seems that you, a bitch, fell in love with Lin Xuan, but I want to remind you that Lin Xuan in your eyes is not a good person, he is a member of the Dark Temple!" Finally, everyone told Lin Xuan This is why they have to press every step of the way.

The Temple of Light and the Temple of Darkness have always been opposites. Now, when they meet here, it's like water and fire, fighting instantly!

(End of this chapter)

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