The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 488 There is indeed a problem

Chapter 488 There is indeed a problem

"Good guy? Hehe... Are you?" I don't know if the gopher wants to listen to the story, but no, it didn't attack at this time, but calmed down, which also gave Lin Xuan and others a buffer time , if they are allowed to stay in mid-air again, I'm afraid they will all fall down.

"We are naturally good people. If you join the Temple of Light, then you will be admired by thousands of people..." This person is like a chatterbox. Once he opens the chatterbox, he will talk endlessly.

However, Ye Yayan didn't listen to his nonsense, and when he spoke, he had already blocked his hearing.

Listening to such a voice, such words, would make her have the urge to vomit.

The man didn't seem to realize that no one was listening to him at all. The only ones listening were probably the gophers. Unfortunately, the gophers couldn't speak, otherwise, they would stop him.

"Aren't we going to join Wan Jianzong?" Suddenly, a doubtful voice interrupted the man's words.

Hearing this, for a moment, Ye Yayan felt that everyone's breathing became short of breath, and there was even a look of annoyance on the faces of those people.

Indeed, this time, the purpose of their coming here is to join Wan Jianzong, and at this time they are actually promoting the Temple of Light. The most important thing is that this site still belongs to Wan Jianzong.

This time, they also came with a purpose. If they hadn't joined Wan Jianzong, then after leaving here, they would no longer be members of the Temple of Light. Slightly reddened.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Ye Yayan frowned slightly.

has a problem!
Everyone's micro-reactions have revealed everything.

If before, they calculated that the Temple of Light had something to do with Wan Jianzong, then now it seems that this problem is really big.

However, it can be inferred that there is no relationship between the Temple of Light and Wan Jianzong at present, but this relationship will exist when these people enter Wan Jianzong.

It seems that the Temple of Light wants to join hands with Wan Jianzong.

Once these two forces join forces, it will be bad.

At least, it will give Yuntian Continent a devastating blow, if possible, she will stop it all.

"Could it be that Lin Xuan also came here because these two major forces want to join forces? Or is it that the Dark Temple wants to join forces with Wanwan Jianzong?" Suddenly, Ye Yayan thought of this possibility.And this possibility made Ye Yayan frowned even more.

If that's the case, the problem is even bigger.

The dark temple practiced all evil methods. If it was combined with Wan Jianzong, it would be a perfect match. Compared with the light temple, the combination of the two would have a greater risk factor.

As for the Temple of Light and the Temple of Darkness, as long as they don't provoke her, then she doesn't need to bother at all. If the two join forces with Wan Jianzong, they can be regarded as her enemies. She must, when things are not clear, Killing them in the cradle, if they really combined, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Let's go!" In order to achieve the goal, it is worthwhile to give up some things. At the moment, the people of the Temple of Light are about to leave the place, but unfortunately, they were stopped by Lin Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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