Chapter 498 He is a servant
Just as Bai Ze finished speaking, Qiong Qi appeared.

At the moment it appeared, a huge coercion headed towards Bai Ze. Although he was ready, he was still suppressed by this huge coercion, his body was suppressed, and Qiong Qi When the claws came down, even if Bai Ze could move his body, it was too late.

When the claw fell down, the skin was torn apart, and the most important thing was that Qiongqi's claw was smeared with poison.

If it was just an ordinary toxin, Bai Ze definitely wouldn't be screaming so miserably.

This toxin may not cause life-threatening danger to Bai Ze, but it will make it scream extremely miserable.

Qiongqi wanted to humiliate Bai Ze, humiliate it severely, so that he could avenge his death.

It has wanted to kill Bai Ze for a long time, but unfortunately, there is no way.

First, the body has not recovered;
Second, it couldn't find Bai Ze;
But I didn't expect to feel Bai Ze's breath here, this is really the right time, place and people.

"My servant, go, stab me hard..." Bai Ze at this time, although he still has the fighting power, it won't last long.

But Qiongqi at this time has already let Feng Linyue do it.

After all, Feng Linyue is a god-level powerhouse. Normally, Bai Ze would not even glance at him even if he was a bird, but now, with Feng Linyue's combat power, he has indeed poked holes in him. The main thing is that Qiongqi wants to exhaust its physical strength.

Once the physical strength is exhausted, then really let it knead.

what should I do now?
Bai Ze's smart brain started to run at high speed, it was constantly thinking about the plan, but it didn't notice that Ye Yayan was constantly approaching.

How could it be possible for her to watch Bai Ze face Qiongqi alone, even if her strength is low and cannot help, at least she can restrain Qiongqi and give Bai Ze a chance to breathe.

However, what she didn't expect was that when she approached, she didn't see Qiongqi deal with Bai Ze, but Feng Linyue went to the place where Bai Ze was with a sword.

In an instant, Ye Yayan didn't think much, Bishui sword unsheathed, and headed towards Feng Linyue.


The moment Ye Yayan appeared, Feng Linyue noticed it. After all, his god level was not a decoration.

When the Bishui sword and Feng Linyue's sword struck together, the benefits of the artifact were brought into play.

With a click, Feng Linyue's sword split in two and fell to the ground. At the same time, Ye Yayan's attack came again.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!
Ye Yayan didn't give Feng Linyue a chance to react, and released a icy move from the Clear Water Sword.

A world of ice and snow, thousands of miles frozen!
The cold wind is blowing, and the ice is thousands of miles away. If one is not careful, there is a possibility of being frozen.

This move was completely beyond Feng Linyue's expectation, but he never thought that Ye Yayan could do this with the magic weapon.

"Your sword, I accept it!" Since it is a divine weapon, how could he have any reason to miss it.

Furthermore, the Clear Water Sword in Ye Yayan's hand was also his weapon, and since she couldn't use it to its full power, he would use it on her behalf.

"Hehe..." Hearing Feng Linyue's words, Ye Yayan smiled with a sarcasm on his face.

This sword has been engraved into her soul. Even if she dies, it will not fall into the hands of others. It is a big mistake for Feng Linyue to miss her Clear Water Sword.

"What are you laughing at?" Feng Linyue looked at the mockery on Ye Yayan's face and suppressed the anger in her heart, because he wanted to know how confident Ye Yayan was.

(End of this chapter)

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