Chapter 499 Ruthless mockery
"Laugh at you for being stupid, laugh at you for being stupid, laugh at your ignorance, laugh at you for being a big idiot..." Since he wanted to know, she told him exactly, so that he could know how stupid she was.

"You...a shrew..." Feng Linyue was a little unscrupulous when blocked by Ye Yayan's words.

Although he had seen the sarcasm in Ye Yayan's eyes, he didn't expect her to say such a long series of words.

"Feng Linyue, don't make a move yet, talk nonsense, just kill him!" Qiongqi became a little impatient, if it wasn't for humiliating Bai Ze, it would have made a move a long time ago, and it will endure until now.

At this time, Bai Ze was recovering constantly, Ye Yayan's appearance gave it a chance to buffer.

"Ye Yayan, for the sake of our fellow countrymen, as long as you leave now, I can keep you safe and sound, but if you keep standing in front of me, I'm sorry!" Although he said so, But Feng Linyue had already made a move.

He was going to catch Ye Yayan by surprise.

Unfortunately, he didn't have a chance.

How could Ye Yayan be ambushed by him.

Even if she is not familiar with Feng Linyue, she will not let down her vigilance, let alone at this time.

With a bang, Ye Yayan flew upside down.

Although he had taken some precautions, Feng Linyue was a god-level powerhouse after all, and this blow from the god-level powerhouse still caused Ye Yayan a lot of trauma.

If they are god-level powerhouses at the same time, then Feng Linyue's attack may not have caused Ye Yayan any harm. Now, fortunately, she has already taken precautions, otherwise, she will really suffer a big loss up.


A big mouthful of blood spewed out from Ye Yayan's mouth, the bright red blood made Qiongqi slightly startled.

"Huh?" Suddenly, it seemed to feel the power from the demon king.

Is that right?

Qiongqi looked at Ye Yayan with a strange look on his face, with a look of inquiry in his eyes.

With a swipe, Ye Yayan was picked up by Qiongqi's claws before Bai Ze had time to react.

The claws stuck around his neck, causing Ye Yayan's face to turn crimson, and it was difficult for him to breathe.

Ye Yayan didn't have time to react to this change, Qiongqi's attack was too fast, so fast that she didn't realize that she had been picked up by Qiongqi's claws.

"You...why do you have the aura of a demon king?" Before Bai Ze could speak, Qiong Qi spoke up by himself. As soon as the words came out, Bai Ze was a little stunned.

Demon King!

At this moment, Bai Ze didn't think about the Demon King.

Now being mentioned by Qiongqi, it suddenly thought of the relationship between the demon king and the ancient beast, and in an instant, Bai Ze was ready to attack.

"What are you talking about, I don't understand!" Hearing Qiongqi's words, Ye Yayan instinctively sensed the problem. If Qiongqi and the Demon King knew each other, it would definitely not be the reaction. Now, Qiongqi obviously wants to The look of wanting revenge.

How does this make her admit that the Demon King is her mother.

Therefore, at this time, she can only pretend to be stupid.

"No, you lied, you must be related to the demon king, tell me, who are you from the demon king?" Qiongqi dare not think about that, even if Ye Yayan has the blood of the demon king in his body, he is not willing Thinking about that, because it felt that it was really unbelievable, so it just asked who Ye Yayan was, instead of asking about other aspects!
(End of this chapter)

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