The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 500 What the hell is the demon king

Chapter 500 What the hell is the demon king
"What the hell is the demon king? I don't know what you are talking about at all?" Ye Yayan is also a good hand at pretending to be stupid. Even if she pries her brains open, she can't get the result. Come on, so, if Qiongqi wants to know the relationship between her and the Demon King, he can only say sorry.

"Okay, if you don't say it, then you will never be able to speak!" Qiongqi exerted force in his hand, and Ye Yayan felt as if he was suffocated.

At this moment, she was so close to death!

Just when Ye Yayan thought that he was going to see the god of death thoroughly this time, suddenly, a piercing sound came, and in an instant, Ye Yayan felt that he could breathe freely.

The sound of piercing the sky was not made by others, but by Bai Ze.

At this moment, Bai Ze's face was full of anger, his eyes were full of anger, it was the first time Ye Yayan saw that extremely angry look.

"Bai Ze, she is your master!" It was not a question, but an affirmation.

It had guessed this before, but it could only be skeptical, but now, even if Bai Ze answered no, it still believed that Ye Yayan was Bai Ze's master.

After Qiongqi's words fell, a dark light flashed in Feng Linyue's eyes, and the eyes were even more stern.

The master, Bai Ze, who is a divine beast, actually recognizes Ye Yayan as the master, a woman who has no flesh on her body.

But he, a god-level powerhouse, can only be reduced to Qiongqi, the servant of this ferocious beast.

So unfair!
At this moment, the unfair factors hidden in Feng Linyue's body were completely ignited.

He doesn't want to be a servant, he wants to be a master.

Even though his current status in Wan Jianzong can be said to be below one person and above ten thousand people, but only he knows that if there is Qiongqi, then it is impossible for him to become a master.

Unless, poor and strange!

But is this possible?
Let's not talk about Qiongqi's combat effectiveness, but the relationship between him and Qiongqi. I am afraid that once Qiongqi dies, he will also go to see the King of Hades.

Compared with freedom and life, Feng Linyue decisively chose life.

Since he feels it is unfair, he will turn unfairness into fairness.

He is Qiongqi's servant, so he also wants Ye Yayan to become the servant of other monsters.

Thinking of this, Feng Linyue's eyes were full of calculations.

The battle between Qiongqi and Bai Ze has already begun, and neither Ye Yayan nor Feng Linyue can intervene.

The battle between the two does not require the help of others at all.

At this moment, Feng Linyue's attack came towards Ye Yayan again.

This time, Feng Linyue was determined to kill, but he didn't hold back at all. In addition, he knew that the clear water sword in Ye Yayan's hand was a magical weapon, so he naturally wouldn't release the water.

God level vs. emperor level, one can imagine who is stronger and who is weaker.

However, there are still surprises.

When Feng Linyue's attack came towards Ye Yayan, Ye Yayan didn't fight, but called out Feng Xi and An Yi.

Regarding his own strength, Ye Yayan knew that if he fought alone, he would definitely not be Feng Linyue's opponent, but if Feng Xi and An Yi were added, there was still a possibility of a tie.

She would not be able to defeat Feng Linyue with An Yi and Feng Xi, after all, he is a god.

If you want to defeat him, you must make a dangerous move, and you must be able to be fooled.

Will he be fooled?

Not too possible!

Ye Yayan ruled it out by himself, so at this time, it is enough to restrain Feng Linyue.

(End of this chapter)

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