The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 509 Controlling the Heart and Soul

Chapter 509 Controlling the Heart and Soul
Ye Yayan really didn't expect Wan Jianzong to raise skeletons.

If Wan Jianzong did it to the dead, then maybe she would not have such anger, but, absolutely, absolutely not, the people of Wan Jianzong did it to the living.

The skeleton people here are indeed sacrificed with living people. Otherwise, they would not keep their souls. The most important thing is that their souls are confined in the skeletons, and they cannot be reincarnated forever. This can be regarded as ruining them Life, even death, is uneasy.

Damn, it's so damn bad.

Refining a living person into a skeleton man is really hurting the peace of heaven. Don't they all know that there is such a thing as a thunderbolt?
In fact, the people of Wan Jianzong have already considered this point, but for the sake of Wan Jianzong's strength, even if the sky is struck by lightning, so what!

Wan Jianzong, in fact, is somewhat like a cult organization. Their teachings have penetrated into their bones. Even if they are asked to commit suicide, they will not hesitate. This is what Luo Lihao thinks about Wan Jianzong's brilliance.

This method of controlling people is not something they can learn.

Although his subordinates are also loyal to him, but he will not control their thoughts. On the contrary, he is willing to let them keep their own meaning. What he wants is their loyalty, not their lives.

The people of Wan Jianzong only need their lives. As for loyalty, under the influence of poison, even if they want to betray, it is difficult.

However, for those who have been brainwashed, even if they are not controlled by toxins, they are still loyal, which I really have to admire.

"Yan'er, do you think you have some ability to control people's hearts and souls?" Luo Lihao has always wanted to know about this, but unfortunately, he has never had a chance to know. Now, he suddenly thought of Ye Yayan and that Wan Wan... The big boss of Jianzong may come from the same place, so does she also know the magic that controls the heart and soul?

"Control the soul? If you are talking about hypnosis, it is really possible, but it is not a magic trick!" Hypnosis can indeed control the soul, but the scope is not so large.

"Hypnotism? Probably not! Wan Jianzong has the power to control people's hearts and souls, making those people willing to die!" At least this is something he can't do.

"So you're talking about this. It's probably the charm of speaking. That person must be an orator!" Ye Yayan also understood what Luo Lihao said when she heard what he meant. After understanding, she knew it was What's the matter.

"Is a person's speaking charm so great?" Luo Lihao was skeptical about this.

"Maybe it's because of the magnetic field!" Suddenly, Ye Yayan thought of this possibility.

"Magnetic field? What's the situation?" Luo Lihao couldn't understand the term Ye Yayan popped up suddenly.

"It's just that in a certain environment, what he said will play a demagogic role. If it is combined with hypnotism, it will really be seamless!" Ye Yayan's words made Luo Lihao frowned. , if this is the case, it will be really difficult to destroy Wan Jianzong.

Leaving aside Wan Jianzong's confidence, just focusing on this point, it is really not easy to want Wan Jianzong to perish.

"Is there a way to crack it?" If there is, at least it will be easier to destroy Wan Jianzong.

(End of this chapter)

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