Chapter 510 Damn, Damn, Damn
"It's very difficult! Because we don't know what the magnetic field is?" Ye Yayan also frowned.

"Don't think too much, I'm just asking!" Luo Lihao followed Shun Ye Yayan's frown, these things are still early, and there is no need to think about them now.

"Tell me, is this a place where skeletons are raised?" After all, if the raising of skeletons is discovered, Wan Jianzong will definitely fall into a place of eternal doom, and they will not joke about their status.

If that's the case, I can only find a secret place to raise them. Obviously, this place is good.

"What do you want to do?" Hearing Ye Yayan's words, Luo Lihao smiled.

"Of course it is to destroy it!" Now that it is discovered, it must not be let go, and destroying these skeleton people is also a relief for them. Although their souls can no longer be reincarnated, at least they can be liberated. It is also a good thing.

"No!" As soon as Luo Lihao said this, Ye Yayan looked at him strangely, not understanding what he meant.

"You can't destroy them. Once you destroy them, their wraiths will haunt you until you die!" This is also the cruelty of Wan Jianzong to the skeleton man.

Not to mention that they were refined into skeletons at the moment before they died, but after they were destroyed and rescued, they would also squeeze their last labor force and turn them into ghosts and resentful ghosts. The spirit, haunting the one who delivered it.

If that's the case, no one will take action to destroy the skeleton man!
This is also where Wan Jianzong's brilliance lies!
"Damn it, it's really too hateful!" Hearing Luo Lihao's words, Ye Yayan had the urge to be furious.

"Now, you know how powerful Wan Jianzong is!" I have to say that Wan Jianzong's people are really powerful. There are all kinds of people. Although the personnel are complicated, they all have the only thing in common. It is psychological darkness.

Of course, it doesn’t mean that the disciples of Wanjianzong are all dark-hearted. Some of those disciples have not been distorted. At least, they are not native Wanjianzong people. The most important thing is that these people still have some ego judge.

However, those high-level people probably have such a dark mind because of being assimilated in such an environment. If there is a good person in Wan Jianzong, then there is only Ye Qingchuan.

Thinking of Ye Qingchuan, Ye Yayan frowned. Was he also assimilated?
Before, she didn't see it because of his acting skills?

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting!

"Li Hao, I have met people from the Temple of Light and the Temple of Darkness here. It seems that the Temple of Light wants to form an alliance with Wan Jianzong. If this is true, then this Sky Continent will be occupied by these two forces!" Although It's just a guess, but Ye Yayan knows that this guess is close to the truth.

I'm afraid that the Temple of Light really intends to form an alliance with Wan Jianzong, otherwise no one from the Temple of Light would have entered here.

However, what is the so-called arrival of the people from the Dark Temple?
If it's just for the people of the Temple of Light, then don't worry, but the problem is that this possibility is very low.

I'm afraid that the Dark Temple also has the idea of ​​forming an alliance with Wan Jianzong.

What does it mean that the two major powers want to seek an alliance at the same time?
Ye Yayan couldn't think of it at this time, but what she knew was that there must be something she didn't know, and it was happening quietly at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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