Chapter 514 It's Not Fair
"There is a small pit three hundred feet ahead, you can go down through that small pit!" Luo Lihao signaled Ye Yayan to go forward, and walked directly to the small pit. After entering the small pit, you can Go directly into the ground, of course, there is a barrier outside the small pit, and only through the barrier can you officially enter.

For this barrier, Luo Lihao believed that Ye Yayan could untie it, but it would take some time!
"I'll enter the blue space first, and then it's up to you. I'll give you a warning when you encounter danger!" Hao directly entered the blue space.

Directly, without the slightest hindrance, he entered the Youlan Dimension.

This... this... what's going on?

As the owner of Youlan Space, Luo Lihao could actually enter Youlan Space by herself when she didn't open the right space. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never believe that Luo Lihao could enter directly. .

"You Lan, what's going on?" Even though it was Luo Lihao, Ye Yayan felt that his master's position was not guaranteed!

"Master, because he is the master of the blue space, he can freely enter the blue space and the blue space!" Youlan's explanation is quite passable.

"According to what you said, I can also enter the blue space?" According to the principle of equivalent exchange, can she understand it this way.

"Of course, unless your strength is the same as that of Luo Lihao!" If it was just the previous sentence, Ye Yayan must be delighted, but then You Lan's words made Ye Yayan calm down, and suddenly felt good fair.

Strength, or strength is at work!
"Master, work hard, trample Luo Lihao on the soles of your feet!" You Lan suddenly frowned and said such a sentence, which opened Ye Yayan's mind.

She suddenly thought of a picture, that is, she was holding a small leather whip and beating Luo Lihao who was kneeling on the ground fiercely. Thinking of this picture, Ye Yayan laughed out loud.

This scene was shown in my mind for a long time, lingering.

If Luo Lihao knew about this, Ye Yayan would be in trouble.

Fortunately, Luo Lihao would not investigate Ye Yayan's mind, otherwise, he would definitely not be looking at her so confusedly.

"Why are you smirking, why don't you go!" Luo Lihao looked at Ye Yayan who was smirking alone, feeling very strange, but he didn't think about other aspects. If he knew that Ye Yayan would laugh because she was in YY If he knew, would he still be so calm?
Ye Yayan restrained her smile, and walked towards the direction Luo Lihao said.

At this time, Ye Zihan and the others were still in place, not moving, but, as time went by, they couldn't bear it any longer.

Are they going to be here all the time?
"Are we really going to be here? Shouldn't we go find Xiaoyan?" Ye Zihan felt that they needed to find Ye Yayan, and being with Ye Yayan was king.

"We will only become her burden!" Feng Linghan was terribly quiet. Judging from all the previous situations, their existence was not helping Ye Yayan, but becoming her burden.

I don't know when, Ye Yayan overtook them, and still overtook them by a large margin.

Thinking of the first time I saw Ye Yayan, she was just a woman with no spiritual power, but she became so powerful in the blink of an eye!

(End of this chapter)

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