Chapter 515 Became a Burden
Powerful, the current Ye Yayan is a powerful existence in Feng Linghan's eyes.

Now they, even if they are running fast, they can't catch up with her!
Since they can't catch up with her, it can't be her burden. Everywhere they are in danger, she is the one who rescues them. Without her, I'm afraid they wouldn't be standing so securely now, even if they didn't die. Also in a dying state.

Therefore, he felt that if they wanted to survive, they had to stay in this place.

Feng Linghan's words silenced everyone.

Indeed, as he said, their existence is a burden. It would be fine if it was a sweet burden, but now, it is completely a burden.

Strength, at this moment, they urgently need strength, especially Leng Huaqing.

Back then, he could stand in front of Ye Yayan and shield her from the wind and rain, but now, it was Ye Yayan standing in front of him. Such a role reversal made him a little unbearable.

But so what if you can't bear it, time can't stop for you, the only thing you can do is to become stronger.

After this time, he will retreat, and he will never come out if he does not reach the Zun level.

This is a goal and an ideal that I have set for myself.

"I think we should go out. Instead of staying here and complaining about ourselves, it's better to look for opportunities!" After Xu Danchen left, Hua Feifei also proposed to leave, but she didn't want to leave alone, but encouraged everyone to go together.

Only when everyone acts together can she feel less scary.

There are so many weird things in this place, so many that she feels scared, not the fear of death, but the fear of rapid heartbeat.

"What do you think?" This time, Feng Linghan didn't give any opinions, but asked everyone what they thought.

After a brief silence, Leng Huaqing agreed to leave.

Staying here is of no use, leaving, maybe you can find a chance.

Now he urgently needs opportunities, and only opportunities can make him stronger.

"Where's Zihan?" Feng Linghan knew that among them, Ye Zihan was probably the only one who could arouse Ye Yayan's mood swings, so all of this still depended on what Ye Zihan wanted to do.

"I... stay!" If it wasn't for Feng Linghan's previous words of burden and burden, maybe he would have chosen to leave here, but after hearing Feng Linghan's words, he felt that he could not be Ye Yayan's burden and burden If that's the case, he can only stay here and wait for Ye Yayan's return.

"I'm staying with Zihan too! Now, we're two against two. If you want to leave, I won't stop you!" After Ye Zihan spoke, Feng Linghan also stayed here. Two to two, it was a tie.

"If you don't leave, I won't leave either!" They are one body, Feng Linghan and Ye Zihan won't leave, so what's the point of him leaving alone.

"I want to leave, but I want to be with you!" Hua Feifei is a smart person, she knows what is best for her.

Therefore, she also chose to stay.

Leaving alone is purely looking for death. Only by being with everyone can she save her life. For the sake of her own life, she will naturally not leave everyone!
When the opinions of the people here were divided again and they stayed again, Ye Yayan had already untied the barrier leading to the underground, and was about to enter the underground...

(End of this chapter)

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