Chapter 524
"Secret? What secret?" Ye Yayan really wanted to know the secret that the big man in black said, but she also knew that she couldn't bear the child and couldn't trap the wolf.

This time, maybe we need to be a little more careful.

For such a person, even if they go back on their promises, it won't hurt the peace of heaven.

"Swear, you swear, I'll tell you!" The big man in black is not a fool, if Ye Yayan didn't swear, he would never say it.

If Ye Yayan didn't swear and said it all by himself, he would be an idiot.

Hearing what the big man in black said, Ye Yayan frowned, and gave the big man in black a cold look, which shocked the big man's body, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes.

Nima, but also a strong momentum.

He could only see this kind of aura from the suzerain, but he didn't expect that he could also feel this kind of aura of freezing to death from this woman.

This glance almost froze him!
"I, I swear to God, let the person in front of me go, if I break my oath, I will be struck by lightning!" She made the oath, but she only said that she would not kill him, not that others could not kill him.

With Feng Xi and An Yi around, it is not easy to kill him!

If the big man in black is smart, then Ye Yayan is extremely smart.

It was not the first time Ye Yayan took advantage of the oath's loophole.

This time, it is completely familiar, and there is no burden at all to do it.

"I told you, it's your turn!" Youdao is hard to defend against villains, maybe even the other members of Wan Jianzong will not know their secrets, and at this time they have to tell Ye Yayan to know their secrets .

"Didn't I mention the Sky Spirit Fruit before? I don't know if you know the Sky Spirit Fruit. It is definitely a magical fruit. The Sky Spirit Fruit can not only improve strength, but also remove toxins, and it can make people enter a kind of In the mysterious and mysterious illusion, as long as you wake up from the illusion, your strength can definitely break through, you may not know what is after the god level, right?" The black-clothed man didn't care whether Ye Yayan knew or not, so he just looked at himself Speaking freely.

Ye Yayan was actually a very good listener. No matter what the big man in black said, she didn't interrupt her and let him talk alone.

Although the big man in black didn't say the most important thing, since he talked about the Sky Spirit Fruit, she didn't need to interrupt him and let him talk about other things.

Judging from the situation just now, this big man in black is really obsessed with the Heavenly Spirit Fruit, otherwise, he wouldn't be talking about it now.

"If you think that you are invincible after reaching the god level, you are wrong, and you are very wrong! After the god level, there is also the god level Dzogchen, and even after crossing the god level Dzogchen, there is also the god king Existence, do you know that the Sky Spirit Fruit can take you to break through the god-level shackles and enter the realm of the god-king.

God King, if I can reach this level of strength, I won't just be a protector here, at least I can also become the Supreme Elder of Wan Jianzong.

Supreme Elder, hehe..." The big man in black was dreaming a sweet dream, dreaming of becoming the Supreme Elder.

And Ye Yayan also heard a hint of meaning from his words, that is, in Wanjianzong, the really powerful ones are not the gods, but those god kings who have broken through the gods.

God King, although I have never been in contact with it, it is not so easy to deal with it!
(End of this chapter)

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