Chapter 525
The current Ye Yayan has not even reached the god level, let alone a god king.

It seems that there is definitely a long way to go to destroy Wan Jianzong!
"If the Sky Spirit Fruit is so good, why should it be used as a reward?" If Ye Yayan thought the Sky Spirit Fruit was very cheap before, after hearing what he said now, the Sky Spirit Fruit is definitely not so cheap today.

"Hey, you don't know this! The Heavenly Spirit Fruits given to those people are indeed Heavenly Spirit Fruits, but those are all eliminated Heavenly Spirit Fruits. The real Heavenly Spirit Fruits will not be given to those low-level people. !” There was irony in the eyes of the big man in black.

Although those Heavenly Spirit Fruits are indeed good things, they are really incomparable with real Heavenly Spirit Fruits.

However, in the eyes of the big man in black, it is really a waste to give those people the Heavenly Spirit Fruit.

"Eliminated Sky Spirit Fruit? What do you mean?" Eliminated, what does this mean?Ye Yayan was a little confused.

"The Sky Spirit Fruit is also very high-level. A good Sky Spirit Fruit is just like what I said before, but a bad Sky Spirit Fruit can only improve your strength, and it's still useful for people below the god level!"

"How to tell the difference?" If she didn't want to use the Sky Spirit Fruit to save Bai Ze's life, she wouldn't have asked.

"Sky Spirit Fruit has seven colors. You can use the seven colors of the rainbow to judge the quality of the Sky Spirit Fruit. Purple is the best, and red is the worst. Our Ten Thousand Swordsman, the best Sky Spirit Fruit has reached blue!" said the big man in black. When talking about the blue sky spirit fruit, the color of longing in his eyes was too strong and too intense.

"You haven't told Wan Jianzong's secret yet?" This secret was what she wanted to know.

"Secret, didn't I say it? Since you have mixed in here, it is nothing more than revenge. I can only say that you will not take revenge, Wan Jianzong, it is not as simple as it seems on the surface. There are several senior elders, just your little arms and legs, if you want to take revenge, that would be tantamount to a fool's dream!" Although the big man in black was at a disadvantage, he still wanted to be quick-spoken, no, just a few words of sarcasm Ye Yayan is also good.

"If this is the secret, then I don't have to keep my oath, and I can kill you directly. Anyway, that person is dying!" Ye Yayan said, his eyes went to the lying on the ground, and he kept uttering misery. Call, the rolling woman.

For this woman, Ye Yayan did not show mercy in the slightest.

I learned a technique from You Lan. Once a person is hit by this technique, they will have to endure every kind of torture in the [-]th floor of hell, and it is definitely a real experience. Not to mention the pain in the soul, the body The pain is unbearable.

Therefore, at this time, the woman is still able to breathe, not because she is too lucky to die like this, but because she has not finished trying the torture on the [-]th floor of hell, and she will die only after trying it.

This is to make her die even if she cannot die. If she is not allowed to bear that kind of pain again, she will feel sorry for so many people who have died!

Seeing the woman's appearance, the body of the big man in black trembled. He originally wanted to get away with it, but he didn't expect Ye Yayan to be so smart, so he saw it all at once.

"Tell me, what is the secret? If you don't tell me, it's fine. You'll end up like her!" This time, it's not a threat, but let him make his own choice.

This kind of torture is not something ordinary people can bear. Come to think of it, a big man in black can also make a choice!

(End of this chapter)

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