Chapter 526

"The true suzerain of Wanjianzong is a woman, a woman who has been hurt by love!" After all, the big man in black still revealed the secret he knew, a secret that even the senior management of Wanjianzong did not know.

"What?" Hearing the words of the big man in black, Ye Yayan felt like being struck by lightning, as if thunder was rolling from the sky.

"This is definitely Wan Jianzong's secret. Really, our suzerain is actually a woman. I can swear by raising my hands!" Ye Yayan's reaction made the big man in black anxious. This is definitely a secret, a real secret. .

Everyone knows that the suzerain of Wan Jianzong is a man, a very courageous man, but they don't know that the man of courage in their eyes is actually a woman, a woman who has been hurt by love and is a bit perverted.

The big man in black didn't say the last sentence, and he was a little cautious.

Ye Yayan, she is so beautiful, she definitely doesn't have the suzerain's aesthetics, if she can get into the eyes of the suzerain, then...he will definitely take the greatest credit.

Thinking of this, a sinister smile appeared in the eyes of the big man in black.

It's a pity that before the smirk could expand, he found that his body seemed to have fallen into the boundless darkness, and a deadly silence was released around him.

Ye Yayan did swear that he would not kill him, but he did not say that he would not molest him.

No, she also let him try, the taste of torture in the [-]th floor of hell.

This time, she did not kill him. As long as he can bear it, he can survive. If he can't, then it's not her problem.

Look, how kind she is, even considering this point for him.

"You... bitch, lied to me!" At the moment of falling into endless darkness, the big man in black finally realized, but unfortunately, it was too late.

After Ye Yayan entered this stone room, their fate was doomed.

"Li Hao, the Sect Master Wanjian here is a woman, do you think your Sect Master Wanjian is also a woman?" Suddenly, Ye Yayan became curious, and for some reason, she felt that this The odds are very, very high.

The most important thing was that Luo Lihao didn't know for sure whether the biggest boss was male or female.

"I...don't know!" Luo Lihao couldn't be sure after being reminded by Ye Yayan.

Before that, he had always believed that the suzerain of Wanjianzong was a man, and he had never doubted it, but now, he was not so sure.

"If it's a woman, I'm afraid that woman secretly likes you!" Ye Yayan said that this was just a guess, but he didn't expect that one day, this guess would become a fact.

"Nonsense! We are mortal enemies!" Hearing Ye Yayan's words, Luo Lihao almost came out of the blue space.

This meal can be eaten indiscriminately, but the words must not be spoken indiscriminately.

They are sworn enemies!
"It's not like they fell in love and killed each other before!" Ye Yayan said secretly.

It's just that she didn't expect that her words would one day come true.

"When I was told by this big man in black, I was very curious. Who was the suzerain of Wanjianzong here injured?" Women have strange natures, no, even Ye Yayan is no exception. After hearing the words of the big man in black, she wanted to uncover the unknown emotional disputes of the Sect Master Wanjian.

Who on earth is so courageous to dump the Sect Master Wanjian!
(End of this chapter)

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