The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 527 Only women and villains are difficult to raise

Chapter 527 Only women and villains are difficult to raise

If there is such a number one person, Ye Yayan's admiration for him is like a surging river, endless.

Although Wan Jianzong is nothing in Ye Yayan's eyes, in the eyes of everyone in Yuntian Continent, Wan Jianzong is like a mythical existence. Anyone who is a human wants to enter Wanjianzong, let alone He is the suzerain of Wan Jianzong.

However, now someone told her that there was a man who seriously injured the Sect Master Wanjian, and the serious injury was nothing else, it was a serious injury to the soul, and it was a kind of emotional injury. Kudos to this man.

It's really amazing!
Even a woman like the Sect Master Wanjian can hurt, it is extremely powerful.

And most importantly, this man is still alive!


Although it was only her guess, it could still be guessed from the mouth of the big man in black.

Who on earth is it?
In this Yuntian Continent, which outstanding man hurt the Sect Master Wanjian?
"Yan'er, is your focus wrong?" Luo Lihao looked helplessly at Ye Yayan's distraction. Her focus should not be on the Sect Master Wanjian.

"Of course you are right. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in all battles. I am not observing the enemy's situation!" Ye Yayan heard Luo Lihao's words, it was one hundred people who did not admit that their focus had deviated from the direction, "You Said, if we want to destroy Wan Jianzong, we must capture their suzerain, and capture the thief first, capture the king, this is a famous saying from ancient times!"

"Well, even if what you say is reasonable, you must first determine who is the real master of Wanjian Sect!" Luo Lihao felt a little helpless.

This woman, the way of thinking is really strange.

In the past, he didn't understand, because he had no contact with women, even if he knew a few women, they would not show their true temperament in front of him. Now, after meeting Ye Yayan, he realized that there are only women in the world. It's hard to raise a villain!

This is definitely a wise saying, there is no one!

Today, he can be regarded as a real experience!
"Cough cough cough..." After being reminded by Luo Lihao, Ye Yayan knew that she had indeed deviated from the channel, but she would not admit it, this kind of absolute would not admit it!

"Okay, let's leave here first. If we don't leave, those people will go crazy!" Although this place is safe, they can't stay here forever. Besides, this place is full of perverted smell. If it weren't for the amazing willpower, I'm afraid I would have fallen into madness if I stayed in this place for a minute longer.

At this time, the people outside, as Luo Lihao said, had a tendency to go crazy.

They knew that someone had entered here, but they couldn't find out the existence of that person. Even the blood bats just floated where she passed by, without giving an exact location.

The most abominable thing is that there are formations everywhere she passes by, and once they enter the formation, their scalps will go numb.

"What the hell, who is this person who is so proficient in formation techniques!"

"This is a talent. If possible, we should absorb him into our sect!"

"Yes, but before that, I have to vent my anger!"

"That's right, otherwise, her tail would be up to the sky!"

"Well, I agree!"


While breaking the formation, everyone was thinking about how to deal with Ye Yayan, but unfortunately, their plan was going to fail!
(End of this chapter)

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