Chapter 528

"How should we deal with these?" These people still have breath at least, but there is no possibility of resuscitating them. If they are left in this place, Ye Yayan can't do it, but if she kills them, it will be even more difficult. less than.

"Kill... us..." All of a sudden, there was such an airy voice from an unknown corner, and as this voice sounded, more and more voices began to fill the stone room.

No one wants to die, but they don't want to live like this!

Death is the only relief!
"Kill...kill...kill..." At this moment, only the word "kill" remained in Ye Yayan's ears.

All the people seemed to come alive at this moment, but their only request was that Ye Yayan kill them.

They want to die, they don't want to live like this!

In the hands of that woman, they suffered a lot, and now, they only want to die.

"Okay!" The voices of weeping blood fell in Ye Yayan's ears, shocking her heart and soul.

Kill, kill them all!
"Not good!" As soon as Luo Lihao saw a flash of red light in Ye Yayan's eyes, his complexion suddenly changed, and a ray of light came out from the blue space, covering Ye Yayan's body.

When the light entered the body, Ye Yayan's body trembled, a flash of confusion flashed in his eyes, and then his eyes regained clarity.


Ye Yayan thought secretly, she actually said it!

Originally, she treated them as human beings, but now it seems that they are no longer human beings, they have been controlled by that woman, even if they still breathe, they are not human beings anymore.

At this time, the woman was dead, but her thoughts were left to these people. Obviously, this time, it was also this woman who did the trick.

If Luo Lihao hadn't discovered this in time, she might really have been tricked by this woman!
Ye Yayan, who had regained his clarity, looked at the "corpse" in the stone room, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

Even if her hands are stained with blood, she will destroy this place.

At that moment, a ray of light shot out from Ye Yayan's hand, and golden flames danced on Ye Yayan's palm.

"Yan'er!" Seeing Ye Yayan sacrifice the Burning Golden Flame, Luo Lihao was startled, and a look of disapproval flashed in his eyes.


As soon as the Fenshi Jinyan came out, the entire stone room turned into nothingness!
The change here naturally attracted everyone to go, but unfortunately, the people trapped in the formation couldn't get there in the first time, especially after discovering the existence of Fen Shi Jin Yan, their hearts became more urgent .

The owner of the Burning World Golden Flame!
At this moment, everyone seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and the strength on their bodies also burst out at this moment.

However, at the moment when their power erupted, a ray of light fell from the sky and enveloped them.

This momentary change made everyone a little unresponsive.

Then, a golden light lit up around them.

The moment they saw the golden light, everyone's expressions changed.

Burning World Jinyan!

No matter what, they would never believe that one day, the Burning World Flame they saw would come towards them.

How to do?
This is the Fenshi Jinyan, if it is contaminated to the end of a spark, they will disappear in this world, and they will disappear completely.

No, they absolutely cannot!
However, they found that everything was in vain, and they were also afraid, the more the golden light came towards them...

(End of this chapter)

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