Chapter 530
"It seems that there are good seedlings!" Good seedlings are worth cultivating. However, if they are given such a big blow this time, if they are just let go, they will never be reconciled. Therefore, before cultivating, they must be given A hard blow to let them know that some people just can't move.

"It's useless no matter how good a seedling is. Whether it's a good seedling or not, I'll kill her, and I'll even wring her head off. Otherwise, I won't be able to overcome this psychological hurdle!" If he was killed, he might become his demon!

After these words fell, everyone fell into silence.

In fact, everyone present was well aware of this point.

After all, this time, they really lost all their face. If this hurdle cannot be overcome, then their strength will stop here forever.

"Everyone... lord... lord... it's not good!" Just as everyone was contemplating, someone reported that the expression on this person's face was full of fear and horror.

"Say!" Right in the midst of anger, this person came over so rashly that he hit the point of the gun, especially, what he wanted to report was still so irritating.

"Miss Spirit Girl...she...dead...!"


After the man finished saying this, his body flew backwards and hit the ground hard.

This person is also considered unlucky, if he didn't come to report, he might not die, but unfortunately, he had to bump into it by himself.

"Could it be that the explosion just now came from the spirit girl?"

"Could it be that her purpose is for the spirit girl?"


Suddenly everyone realized the problem, and immediately hurried to the place where the spirit girl was.

When they arrived at the place where the incident happened, everyone's faces turned dark!

At this moment, these four words are in everyone's mind!

They will never spare this sneaker!

"It's over, it's over, this time it's going to be miserable!"

"The suzerain's anger, I'm afraid we can't bear it!"

"What should we do? What should we do? The spirit girl is dead, and we are going to be finished!"

"What are you panicking? We are the only ones here who know. Heaven knows, you know, I know. Anyway, the suzerain is still in retreat. As long as none of us mention it, she won't know!"

After these words fell, everyone fell into silence again.

"Paper can't wrap fire, so we won't say it now, but when the suzerain finds out, we..." After a brief silence, someone spoke, and after saying this, everyone's eyes were full of complexities.

This time, if they take the initiative to admit their mistakes, maybe they will still be alive, but if they hide their mistakes and are finally discovered, then...

They can foresee the consequences, but if they want to say it, who should say it?
That's the key!
They also know that if they speak out, then this person must die, and they don't want to die. Therefore, at this moment, everyone is looking at me, and everyone is looking at you, and no one wants to take this step.

"Feng Linyue may be the best candidate!" When everyone refused to take that step, someone suddenly mentioned Feng Linyue.

As the sect master's younger brother, it is only appropriate for him to say it.

"Where's Feng Linyue?" As soon as Feng Linyue was mentioned, everyone realized that they hadn't seen Feng Linyue for a long time.

"I didn't see it!"

"Not found!"

"do not know!"

"Will it be?"


At this moment, everyone seemed to have a very bad premonition, if even Feng Linyue paid for it, then...

(End of this chapter)

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