Chapter 531
I can't imagine the consequences of this, if even Feng Linyue is dead, then they don't have to live!

The suzerain is very doting on this junior brother, it can be said that she gave this junior brother all her little love.

If Feng Linyue dies, then the whole continent will really be bloody!

How to do?
At this moment, anxious expressions appeared on the faces of everyone.

If there is no Feng Linyue, then they will surely die!
"Look, do your best to find Feng Linyue!" No matter what the reason is, they must find Feng Linyue. Only when they find Feng Linyue can they have a chance to live, otherwise...

Thinking of the suzerain's means, they trembled all over, and their eyes showed fear.

Although they are aloft in the eyes of outsiders, they are nothing in front of the suzerain.

At this moment, everyone launched a blanket search, and they wanted to find Feng Linyue at all costs.

But at this time, Feng Linyue was lying on the ground without knowing his life or death, waiting for Qiongqi to save him!

At the same time, Ye Yayan had already come outside, this time, the harvest was good.

When everyone was looking for Feng Linyue, Ye Yayan had already found many treasures.

Ye Yayan took this kind of ill-gotten wealth without mercy. This time, he basically emptied all the treasures in the ground.

Of course, this is not due to her alone, but also with the help of the two monsters, Anyi and Fengxi.

They are one man and two beasts, just like devils entering the village, following the policy of grabbing, taking, taking away, going all the way, taking all the way, even the luminous pearls used for lighting have been taken away!

By the time everyone noticed it, there was no trace of Ye Yayan.

bang bang bang...

Just after Ye Yayan came out of the ground, suddenly, there was a vibration from the ground.

Hearing the vibration, the corners of Ye Yayan's lips curled into a gorgeous arc.

This pleasant voice is really good!

When everyone was plunged into darkness, they realized that their night pearl had been stolen.

They watched the Ye Mingzhu being stolen. How could they bear the shame and humiliation.

And this sound also alarmed the people above, especially those high-level members of Wan Jianzong. After they discovered the sound coming from the ground, they all frowned.

However, they just frowned, and soon, they turned their attention to the front. From their point of view, finding the owner of the Fenshi Jinyan is a big deal, and everything else can be thrown aside!
It's just that what they don't know is that this time, they missed a lot!
"Could it be that they won't give up if they can't find the owner of the Burning World Golden Flame?" If that's the case, how much time will they waste here.

Her time is so precious that she can't afford it!
Whether Bai Ze wants to be saved or not, the half-year appointment is getting closer and closer. If everything here is not dealt with as soon as possible, then she will miss the appointment.

If it's other circumstances, then if you miss the appointment, you will miss the appointment, but this time it's different, this time it's about Mu Wan, her mother, she can't miss the appointment no matter what.

"Don't you know how to make fakes? You can bring disaster to the east!" If it weren't for Ye Yayan's previous cost level, Luo Lihao would never have said that, but even he was able to deceive them and deceive these other people. , is not a problem at all, of course, this time, he needs to assist from the side!

(End of this chapter)

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