The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 533 Using Fake Products to Hook People Over

Chapter 533 Using Fake Products to Hook People Over
This time, there were quite a few people sent by the Temple of Light, and they all entered here wave after wave.

The Temple of Light also spent their capital. In order to join forces with Wan Jianzong, they sent people who were quite capable.

This also prepared for the trap Ye Yayan had set up.

"Yan'er, how did you get this golden flame?" Luo Lihao also couldn't understand this point.

He thought he knew a lot, but this time, he was also defeated by Ye Yayan.

"Chemistry principle, you don't even know it!" Ye Yayan didn't know how to explain it to Luo Lihao, after all, such an explanation couldn't be described in words at all.

"Chemical principle?" Sure enough, Luo Lihao didn't understand.

Although he understands the language of the 21st century, there are some things he still doesn't understand, for example, the chemical principles this time.

"In order to make 'Fenshi Jinyan' more realistic, I'll add some flavor!" Luo Lihao either didn't make a move, or if he did, he would definitely make people feel bad.

The two of them teamed up, but they really killed people.

"Here we come!" Just as they were speaking, a group of people from the Temple of Light came from a distance, and their fluttering appearance really had the potential to be pretentious.

While speaking, a golden light lit up around them!
In an instant, the entire sky was filled with a layer of golden light.

Burning World Jinyan!

After seeing this layer of golden light, everyone in this place moved.

There is a feeling of pulling the whole body.

Shuashuashuashua, everyone rushed here, and everyone's speed had already been brought to the extreme.

In this group of people, none of them want to fall behind. In their view, once they fall behind, they will lose their opportunity.

This time, everyone put all their strength into it.

Unfortunately, what they don't know is that the result of their hard work is that they can't get anything, and even if they get it, it's fake.

"Fenshi Jinyan was released again, let's hurry up!"

"Could it be cheating? I don't feel right!"

"Regardless of whether there is a problem or not, let's go there first. Anyway, we only need the final result!"

"Go, hurry up!"


Some people rushed forward all at once, and some people doubted, but still couldn't resist the impact of Fen Shi Jin Yan, so, no matter whether they doubted or not, everyone went to where Ye Yayan and the others were.

Even Feng Linghan and the others were ready to move.

They were not for the sake of Burning World Jinyan, they were very clear about their position, they understood that they were definitely looking for abuse in terms of their strength, and the reason why they wanted to leave was because they felt that there was no danger.

These people all went towards Fen Shi Jin Yan, so naturally they wouldn't keep their eyes on them, so they would be safe.

"Go?" Hua Feifei started to move again, she felt that if she gave up this opportunity, she would never want to leave here after that.

"Go!" After a short thought, Feng Linghan decided to take this step.

They waited here for a long time, but they didn't wait for Ye Yayan's arrival. If that's the case, they might as well give it a go.

At least, now, they have an 80.00% chance of surviving!

"Then hurry up!" Hua Feifei was also impatient, so she stepped forward in one step, and the speed was so fast that Feng Linghan and the others frowned.

She, how impatient it is!

(End of this chapter)

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