Chapter 534
Hua Feifei's temperament is a bit free and easy, since she has decided on something, she has to do it, and immediately, without thinking too much, she went directly to the exit.

That's right, it was an exit, not going to the place where Fen Shi Jin Yan was.

You have something to do with it!
Since everyone was rushing to the place where Fen Shi Jinyan was, they headed for the exit. This way, there was no crowd, and no one came out to stop them. It can be said that there was no pressure on them at all.

"Huh? How did she go there?" Ye Zihan was still a little out of sorts.

He is still too inexperienced!
"It is indeed there, let's go out!" Now, they don't care whether they can join Wan Jianzong or not. Now, they only have one belief, and that is to save their lives.

Here, too many accidents made them give up the idea of ​​joining Wan Jianzong.

Call them timid or cowards, in short, they don't play anymore!

Whoever loves to play, whoever goes!

People like them can't come here.

Ye Yayan did not expect Ye Zihan and the others to leave here, and they left here directly.

If she knew, she would agree with it with both hands and feet.

This is indeed not a place for them to stay!

If it wasn't for her mission, she wouldn't want to stay here for a minute.

"Li Hao, who do you think put this 'Fenshi Jinyan' into?" Acting must be realistic, especially when everyone arrives, put "Fenshi Jinyan" into one of them. inside the body.

"I don't have any objections to getting into anyone's body if you don't like it!" Luo Lihao was very accommodating to Ye Yayan.

"What if I don't like anyone?" I don't know if it's my problem, anyway, she doesn't like anyone, these hypocrites in bright clothes.

"Then let everyone have a little!" Since no one is pleasing to the eye, then add a little to everyone.

"This can't be done, it won't be realistic!" Fen Shi Jinyan is such an existence, if anyone has it, then it will be a big problem.

"Okay, I've already found it!" Luo Lihao pointed casually, and a ray of light sank into the man's body, before the man could react.

With just a swipe, a ray of light lit up from his body, and in an instant, everyone felt that their whole body was unbearably hot.

"This is..." Everyone on the side was stunned when they saw the golden flame suddenly appearing from the accomplice's body.

Burning World Jinyan!

They never thought that their accomplice actually had the Burning World Jinyan in his body!

The sudden appearance of Fenshi Jinyan made everyone open their mouths, and they didn't recover for a long time.

And this scene was also seen by the people who arrived.

When they saw the golden flame appearing in their eyes at this moment, they were all shocked, but more of it was ecstasy.

They finally found the owner of the Burning World Jinyan!
At this moment, they had the feeling of looking for him thousands of times in the crowd, and suddenly looking back, the man was in the dimly lit place.

The person who sacrificed the Burning Golden Flame looked blankly at the golden flames around his body. If you look carefully, you will find that his eyes are dull, and the empty eyes make people look weird.

He didn't even know what was going on!

Poor person, he was picked by Luo Lihao, and he still doesn't know that he has been bullied like this!

(End of this chapter)

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