The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 535 Habits Are Scary Things

Chapter 535 Habits Are Scary Things
At this moment, if it weren't for the golden flames shining all over this person, maybe everyone would have acted.

They all want to bring this person under their own hands, so that the things in the secret store will belong to him!

But now, they didn't dare to act. As long as the golden flames were still wrapped around his body, they didn't dare to act rashly.

"This time, I won't kill you!" Ye Yayan chuckled and withdrew his hand.

As soon as the hand was retracted, "Fen Shi Jin Yan" returned to the man's body with a whoosh.

This scene made everyone's eyes widen and their mouths wide open!

found it!
If there was any doubt before, then now, there is no doubt at all.

At the moment, the senior officials of Wan Jianzong started to snatch it!

Everyone said something to me, all for the purpose of robbing this man. The man who was being scrambled looked at everyone in a daze, with suspicion in his eyes.

He didn't even know what was going on!
When did Fenshi Jinyan appear in his body, why didn't he know?

However, he also understood that even if he said this, no one would believe it, because he also saw with his own eyes that "Fen Shi Jin Yan" had entered his body.

There is a saying that seeing is believing, they have indeed seen it with their own eyes, do they want to doubt the facts they see with their own eyes?
If it was in the past, this person would definitely be very excited, so many people vying for him, but now, he is a little scared, because he knows that he does not have Burning World Jinyan, if this is known, then he will leave Death is not far away.

But, now, he didn't dare to say it.

Once it is said, it is a star of saliva, which can also drown him.

Could it be that he is going to keep silent and stop talking?

He was afraid that the moment he opened his mouth to speak, he would be exposed!

"It seems that the play is about to end!" The end of the play is also the beginning of Luo Lihao's return to Youlan Space.

He will not take a step into Wanjianzong, so he needs to enter the Youlan space.

With a whoosh, Luo Lihao disappeared in front of Ye Yayan and entered the blue space.

I don't know if it is due to psychological effects, but Ye Yayan found that Luo Lihao's confidence is very high in the blue space, no matter what she does, she can rush forward regardless of the consequences, but when he is not around , she needs to consider a lot of issues, at least, she has to calculate step by step.

What if Luo Lihao leaves in the future, what should she do?
Ye Yayan also understands that it is impossible for Luo Lihao to stay by her side forever, he has his career, he has his ambition, and his departure is inevitable.

However, she, who was used to his presence, could not do without him now.

Habit, what a terrible thing!

If it was in the past, she would definitely not be like this, man, once there is emotional involvement, it will never go back to the past.

"Everyone is a colleague, I don't think anyone should fight, we let him choose. Kid, who do you want to choose to be your master?" This person is a smart person, he knows that even if he fights, he can't win over others, but He made a head start, and in this way, it would give him an impression, let him remember him, and thus he would choose him!
A smart person spares no effort to promote himself at such a time, even if he doesn't say a word for himself, and in the eyes of others, these words are entirely for everyone's benefit!

(End of this chapter)

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