The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 542 What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd

Chapter 542 What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd
"You also know Tianlingguo?" Xu Danchen's eyes lit up a lot after hearing Ye Yayan say the word "Skylingguo".

He answered Ye Yayan's words in a real way. His purpose of entering Wanjianzong was indeed for the Sky Spirit Fruit.

"Well, Sky Spirit Fruit, only Wan Jianzong has it in Yuntian Continent!" Ye Yayan didn't think that Xu Danchen's purpose of entering Wan Sword Sect was actually for the Sky Spirit Fruit.

"Saving people? Or improving strength? Or something else?" She wanted to know why Xu Danchen wanted the Sky Spirit Fruit. If the reason was right, then if she found the Sky Spirit Fruit, she wouldn't mind giving him one.

To friends, Ye Yayan has always been generous, even though Xu Danchen may not be her friend.

"Is there any difference? Anyway, my goal is only the Sky Spirit Fruit!" Xu Danchen didn't answer Ye Yayan's question, no matter what the reason, he just wanted the Sky Spirit Fruit.

Hearing Xu Danchen's words, Ye Yayan's eyes changed slightly, but they soon returned to normal, so fast that no one noticed.

"Ye Yayan, what is your purpose for entering Wanjianzong?" Now that he has stated his purpose, he also wants to know Ye Yayan's purpose for entering Wanjianzong.

For Ye Yayan, Xu Danchen's rare curiosity has been hanging.

He knew that Ye Yayan's entry into Wan Jianzong was not for the same purpose as the others, but for a purpose unknown to everyone.

"Same as you!" Ye Yayan stated his purpose of entering Wanjianzong simply and clearly.

Of course, she only mentioned a purpose. If she said that her purpose of entering Wanjianzong was to not join Wanjianzong, I wonder if Xu Danchen would still be so calm?

In this case, perhaps only a fool would say it, or even a fool would know that it is impossible.

However, Ye Yayan is going to make the impossible possible!

Wan Jianzong, even if a gnat shakes the big tree, she will destroy it.

She wants Wan Jianzong to no longer exist on Yuntian Continent!

Such a goal is the only thing Ye Yayan thinks about now, and also the only thing that is motivated!

"No wonder you know the Sky Spirit Fruit!" After Ye Yayan said that he had the same purpose as himself, Xu Danchen was not very surprised.

Sky Spirit Fruit, whether it is for monsters or humans, has a fatal attraction.

It's okay if you don't know, but now that you know, there is no reason not to get it, especially for Xu Danchen's strength, he wants to get the Sky Spirit Fruit more and more.

At the peak of the respect level, reaching this level of strength in this age group is definitely considered an outstanding person. Compared with Feng Linghan and Leng Huaqing, the talent is even higher.

"If there are two Heavenly Spirit Fruits, I'll give you one!" After saying this, Xu Danchen walked forward without looking at Bird Ye Yayan again.

This turn of events made Ye Yayan slightly dumbfounded.

What is he doing?
Just now, when Xu Danchen saw him, the surprise in his eyes could not be faked, and he even leaned towards her, but now, why did he leave suddenly?
Is it because she also wants the Heavenly Spirit Fruit?

However, if this is the case, what is the last sentence he left behind?
Give her a heavenly spirit fruit?

At this moment, Ye Yayan couldn't understand the medicine sold in Xu Danchen's gourd!

(End of this chapter)

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