Chapter 543 A group of scum

Since he has this heart, she doesn't mind sharing one with him after getting the Sky Spirit Fruit.

Ye Yayan doesn't owe anyone favors, even if it's just for talking, she won't!

This time, I went all the way without encountering any trouble.

However, what surprised Ye Yayan was that the place they were going to was actually underground.

When a mountain gate opened and they entered a dark cave, the surprise in Ye Yayan's eyes became more and more intense.

Underground, however, this underground is somewhat different from the underground that Ye Yayan entered.

If that place was used by the high-ranking members of Wanjianzong before, then it is now for the disciples of Wanjianzong to live here.

Neither the lighting nor the equipment and facilities here are very good.

At least that place was illuminated with luminous pearls before, but here only candles are used.

Ye Yayan has no feeling about the quality of the environment, her only feeling is that the air is not circulating here.

The air quality here is too turbid, if she stays here for a quarter of an hour longer, she will feel suffocated.

cough cough...

Ye Yayan couldn't hold back her cough.

It's not how precious she is, it's really unbearable.

When her cough sounded, coughing sounded one after another.

Before, they all endured and endured it, but once someone spoke, they could no longer bear it.

In an instant, there was a coughing sound from all over the ground.

In such an environment, not to mention cultivation, but breathing problems, how do they survive?
This is really a problem.

"Quiet, you don't even have the ability to bear this, how can you be worthy of being a disciple of our Wan Jianzong!" The coughing of the crowd obviously made the elders dissatisfied.

You know, they have lived in such an environment for many years.

This group of people can't even bear such an environment, so how can they take on the big responsibility next.

In their view, they have to work hard and work hard, so that they can be rewarded. As for them, they are dissatisfied no matter how they look at them.

If it weren't for the fact that only the local residents of Yuntian Continent could enter the cave this time, they wouldn't use these people.

These people are like scum in their eyes!

A group of scum, unexpectedly lost the chain at this moment.

Among the elders present, except for Ye Qingchuan, everyone else gave Ye Yayan a hard look, and there was ferocity and murderous intent in that thorny eyes.

If Ye Yayan dared to make any more noise in the future, they would not mind killing the chicken to make an example to the monkey, and this monkey was obviously Ye Yayan.

Ye Yayan didn't react at all to the gazes of the people staring at them. The look of indifference made many elders go crazy, but they couldn't do anything about it.

Now, it is they who ask for others, not they who ask for them. If the position is reversed, then there is a real problem.

"Elder, are we going to live here all the time?" Suddenly, a very blind man spoke up. Although this question spoke out the hearts of everyone, it is definitely a mistake to ask such a question at this time. Careful.

Hearing this, Ye Yayan also looked at the person who asked the question.

Ye Yayan was stunned for a moment when he saw the person who asked the question!
How could it be her?
(End of this chapter)

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