Chapter 544 What Is Her?
how is she?

Wasn't she lying in bed, dying, waiting to die?
Why is she here?

This person is none other than Ye Yayan, who was the first person to attack her after she came to this world - Ye Yashuang!

Seeing Ye Yashuang here, Ye Yayan really can't describe her shock in words.

A person who has been deposed can actually appear in front of him so beautifully, giving himself such a "surprise"!
"Of course not, you guys will go to a place to practice soon!" These words were said so cleverly, if Ye Yayan knew their purpose, I'm afraid they would really think that Wan Jianzong would make a move. arrange it.

Experience, this is obviously to let them die.

It's just that everyone who didn't know the truth of the matter, after hearing this sentence, their faces were full of excitement.

It is definitely a good place to be sent to the training place by Wan Jianzong. If they can pass the training and return, then their strength will be improved a lot.

Thinking of this, everyone was full of excitement.

Sure enough, Wan Jianzong is rich and powerful, and once they entered Wan Jianzong, they made arrangements for them.

Seeing everyone's smiling faces, Ye Yayan sighed slightly.

These idiots are about to be sold out, and they are still counting money for them!
"You... you... why are you here?" Suddenly, a sharp voice of surprise sounded at this moment.

In an instant, the word you echoed throughout the ground.

Hearing Ye Yashuang's voice again, Ye Yayan frowned.

Sure enough, I still saw it!

So undead, now she has seen it!

"Shut up, you don't want to die, shut up!" Everyone was startled by Ye Yashuang's scream, even the elders of Wan Jianzong were a little scared.

You know, people are scary, they can scare people to death!

Ye Yashuang looked at Ye Yayan in horror. The previous memories were indelible, and they were always imprinted in her mind. She thought that after she was rescued, she would be able to rise to the top and live a life of a master, but she didn't. Thinking of meeting Ye Yayan again here, and at such an important moment.

What a price she had paid to come here!

However, Ye Yayan can also come here now, how does she, such a bitch, deserve to come here.

If it weren't for the fact that Ye Yayan couldn't be explored here, Ye Yashuang might have already started plotting against her.

It's a pity that the current Ye Yayan is no longer the former Ye Yayan. If she could still be tricked by her then, now, she can only end up being plotted against!

For Ye Yashuang's yelling, Ye Yayan just frowned, the only thing she couldn't figure out was, how could Ye Yashuang appear here?

And how could her strength have taken such a big leap forward?
Dou Zun, her strength has soared to the level of Dou Zun!
This is really incredible!

Those present also frowned, and Lin Xuan.

The moment he saw Ye Yashuang, his eyes were full of disgust and ridicule, but soon, his eyes returned to calm, and not many people noticed.

If Ye Yayan notices something is wrong with Lin Xuan at this time, he will find some clues, but unfortunately, Ye Yayan has been immersed in his own world and has not discovered this.

Fortunately, Luo Lihao in the blue space noticed it!
(End of this chapter)

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