The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 547 A Black Hand Is Pushing

Chapter 547 A Black Hand Is Pushing
The sixth sense, Ye Yayan's sixth sense began to turn again.

If there is a black hand behind Ye Yashuang's back, then she has to be more careful, otherwise, once she hits the road, she will be doomed.

"If you want to kill Ye Yashuang, I advise you not to do it!" Lin Xuan was quite accurate in his observations. Although he didn't know what kind of enmity or resentment there was between them, he could still see Ye Yashuang's hatred. Words of killing intent towards Ye Yashuang.

"Why?" Although Ye Yashuang has the strength of a noble class, she is still not a threat to her, unless she has some trump card.

Otherwise, she doesn't have to be afraid of her at all!

"She has a soul imprint left by that elder on her body. Once you do it, unless you are invisible, otherwise, you will be missed by the elder. That elder, in the dark temple, has the strength Ranked third!" That's all Lin Xuan could say.

Although it was just such a sentence, it gave Ye Yayan infinite information.

For example, strength ranks third.

To be able to rank third in the strength of the Dark Temple, this strength is absolutely leveraged, and he has also practiced evil skills. If this is the case, it is really difficult to deal with Ye Yashuang.

"She is very skilled!" To be able to leave a soul imprint in the body for protection, Ye Yashuang's methods are really good.

"It can't compare to that bitch of hers!" If Lin Xuan had hatred for Ye Yashuang, then he was full of murderous intent for Hua Die'er.

This kind of killing intent seems to be engraved in the bones, and it is difficult to get rid of it!
Could it be as bloody as she thought?

At this time, Ye Yayan automatically began to replenish his brain, and this kind of hatred and killing intent could only be revenge for killing his mother.

If her guess is correct, Lin Xuan is the elder's son, and his mother is the elder's wife, but since Ye Ya's mother and daughter joined, his mother has lost her status, and even died for it!
Although it is just a guess, judging from Lin Xuan's reaction, the possibility of this guess being close to reality is 70.00%.

There are countless TV shows like this in the 21st century.

"Hua Die'er's method is indeed good, but, just like her, that elder still likes her, and also, how bright the green light on Ye Hongguang's head is!" Ye Yayan thought of Ye Hongguang's head. Wearing a green hat, she just wanted to laugh.

However, soon, the smile on her face turned into a bitter smile.

Such a person, why did Mu Wan fall in love with him in the first place?
If it wasn't for Ye Hongguang, then for what reason?
Ye Yayan felt that the mystery seemed to be getting bigger and bigger!

"Some people just like that kind of incomplete beauty!" When talking about incomplete beauty, Lin Xuan's voice was full of helplessness.

"Incomplete beauty, huh..." These three words really explain all this very well!
If a woman like Hua Die'er lived in the harem, she would definitely turn the harem upside down. A woman like her is suitable for living in such an environment.

"Hmph, dog and girl!" Suddenly, a cold snort sounded not far from Ye Yayan and Lin Xuan. There was a strong sense of jealousy in the voice. You don't need to look to know who it is.

Ye Ya stared at Ye Yayan with a pair of jealous eyes, those beautiful eyes were full of anger at this moment!

(End of this chapter)

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