Chapter 548 Come For Mu Wan
At this time, the anger in Ye Ya's eyes was getting hotter and hotter. She really didn't expect Ye Ya's tricks to seduce people so powerfully that even a stern man like Lin Xuan could have a lively chat with her.

She, Ye Yayan, what's so good about her!
At most, she has a better appearance, but what is the use of appearance, in this world where martial arts are respected, no matter how good the appearance is, it cannot stand the test of strength. How can a person like her live in this world!

If it wasn't for the wrong timing, she would have rushed forward and killed Ye Yayan. Looking at Ye Yayan's peaceful face, the flame hidden in Ye Yayan's heart was ignited again. Eat her flesh, drink her blood!

Regarding Ye Yashuang's staring eyes, Ye Yayan did not change in any way. In her opinion, even if Ye Yashuang became stronger, she still wouldn't cause much trouble.

It's too easy for a woman like Ye Yashuang to deal with her!

"Don't underestimate her, this woman has some problems!" If it was before, Lin Xuan might not have reminded Ye Yayan. In his opinion, Ye Yayan is extremely smart, and she can't be compared with Ye Yashuang at all, but some From time to time, he will find that there is something wrong with Ye Yashuang.

As for what is the problem, he can't say it!
"Is there a problem? What is it?" The appearance of Ye Yashuang gave Ye Yayan a sense of urgency. Although she didn't know why this feeling came about, she just felt that a crisis was slowly spreading.

"Although I haven't paid attention to her, every time I see her, she gives me a weird feeling. I can't describe this kind of weirdness in words. I always feel that the exercises she practices are weird, and even once again, I have seen her body surrounded by a layer of gray mist.

Although the people of our Dark Temple also practice evil skills, they are very different from hers. At least, when we practice, we will not give people a strange feeling, but she is! "Lin Xuan's words made Ye Yayan frowned.

She didn't doubt what Lin Xuan said. As a member of the Dark Temple, he was naturally familiar with the exercises they practiced, but he said that there was something wrong with Ye Yashuang's exercises. If it was the same evil exercise, then Lin Xuan would never Say something like this.

Apparently, Ye Yashuang's exercises are very problematic.

In other words, the person behind her has a problem!

The sudden appearance of Ye Yashuang made Ye Yayan feel dangerous. This kind of danger was like an instinctive reaction.

"By the way, there seems to be a problem with the Ye family. This time, I have another purpose, which is to come for the Ye family! To be precise, I came for one person!" Lin Xuan suddenly, as if thinking of something, said Such a sentence came out.

After saying this, Ye Yayan instinctively thought of Mu Wan!

If Lin Xuan came for one person, then that person was probably Mu Wan.

"Mu Wan?" Ye Yayan's name made Lin Xuan's face look shocked, and his eyes were full of surprise.

"How do you know?" This rhetorical question also showed that Lin Xuan really came for Mu Wan.

If it was Mu Wan, why did they come to her after ten years?
Since the Ye family is attached to the Dark Temple, the Dark Temple should also know that Mu Wan is no longer from the Ye Family. Why did they send Lin Xuan here now?

Could it be that Mu Wan is still at Ye's house?

(End of this chapter)

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