The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 553 It Is Purely To Stimulate You

Chapter 553 It Is Purely To Stimulate You

There was a bang, a heavy bang, hitting people's hearts and souls.

Ye Yashuang deserved to be unlucky, she just told them not to act rashly within three days, she just didn't listen, thinking that the elders of Wan Jianzong would not hear her clamor if they walked away, unexpectedly, they not only I heard it, and listened very carefully.

Originally, if it was just a verbal quarrel, at most they would just give a warning, but now, it has risen to beating and killing, so he can't forgive it.

Besides, what I said before has already been said, if they don't take action to deal with Ye Yashuang, how will they save their face, but this time it can be regarded as Ye Yashuang's life, this blow did not let her die completely, It just made her suffer for three days.

During these three days, Ye Yashuang didn't need to find other places to sleep, she just lay on the ground.

For Ye Yashuang, this blow was really painful. Although she didn't die, it was more painful than death.

The most important thing is that this time, she lost face in front of Ye Yayan again.

"Ye Yayan, I won't let you go!" Ye Yashuang gritted her teeth and said it. This time, she learned to be smart, and she didn't shout out, but said to herself in her heart.

"Ye Yashuang, is it comfortable to lie on the ground?" Ye Yayan never admits that she is a good person, this is a rare opportunity to hit Ye Yashuang, how could she not grasp it.

The most important thing is that she absolutely cannot fight back when hit or scolded now.

Such a great opportunity was placed in front of her, if she missed it, it would be a "heavy sin".

"That's right, you can't speak now, even if you feel uncomfortable, you can say it, or I will help you, you see, I am so kind, so kind, you are going to kill me, but I still want to help you You, you said, why are you so vicious, alas... I said so much, but you didn't respond. It seems that you want to have a good review on the ground. In order not to irritate you, I'd better leave... "At this moment, Ye Yayan turned into a nagging queen, and Balabala said a lot.

Even if Ye Yashuang has already fallen into hell, she will jump up after this big pass, let alone now!
I don't know if it was too much stimulation, or the unwillingness in my heart played a role. Ye Yashuang, who originally needed three days to recover, stood up suddenly, and the sharp blade in her hand moved towards Ye Yayan.

If this was hit by Ye Yashuang, then Ye Yayan would really die.

Naturally, Ye Yashuang failed to sneak attack this time.

While Ye Yayan dodged away, Ye Yashuang's body suddenly fell forward due to the effect of inertia. At the moment of falling, the sword in his hand was not steady.

With a stabbing sound, it was conceivable that the sword that was not held firmly pierced into his body.

"Yo hoo, my sister, you are really stupid. It's all about beating people and beheading others, but you're beating others. When it comes to you, it's you who beheaded yourself. How did this character become so noble? How could I be so noble? This is the first time I know!" Ye Yayan's words really stimulated Ye Yashuang to have the urge to run away.

It's a pity that the current Ye Yashuang can't stand up at all, not to mention standing up, even her strength has been exhausted with this blow. In addition, the stimulation of Ye Yayan's ears makes her body The blood flows more cheerfully...

(End of this chapter)

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