Chapter 554
Seeing a steady stream of blood flowing out of Ye Yashuang's body, her face, which was originally rosy, had turned pale at this moment.

If this continues like this, Ye Yayan will die from excessive blood loss.

Naturally, Ye Yayan would not be so unsympathetic, as his "sister", it was of course his duty to save her!

Immediately, Ye Yayan took out the Nine-turn Resurrection Pill and gave it to her, and at the same time, fed the Shuxin Pill into her mouth.

When Ye Yayan fed the elixir into Ye Ya's mouth, she naturally kept her mouth shut to prevent Ye Yayan from throwing the elixir into her mouth.

It's a pity that no matter how much she stops, Ye Yayan can't stop Ye Yayan from teasing her heart.

In addition, the elixir refined by Ye Yayan melts in the mouth, as long as it is contaminated with saliva, even if you spit it out, you won't be able to spit it out.

Therefore, Ye Yashuang could only forcefully swallow the pill that Ye Yayan fed her.

After taking the elixir, Ye Yashuang felt that her body was full of strength in an instant, and her body, which was about to die, unexpectedly recovered at this time.

Ye Ya was dumbfounded by this momentary change, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

However, soon, her heart was filled with jealousy towards Ye Yayan.

Why does Ye Yayan have such a powerful elixir? How can a person like her be equipped with such a good elixir?

Ye Yashuang's eyes were filled with deep jealousy.

Seeing Ye Yashuang like this, Ye Yayan shook his head again.

A person who is petty will always be petty all his life, no matter how he looks at it, Ye Yashuang just can't get rid of pettyness.

This is probably also related to her mother.

If it were someone else, they would definitely not show such jealousy. Even if they are pretending, they have to pretend, but Ye Yashuang is not even willing to pretend. It should be hers, only hers!

The others didn't say anything to Ye Yayan and the two of them. In their opinion, if they didn't touch their interests, they could completely ignore them.

As for the other people from the Dark Temple who came with Ye Yashuang, as long as they ensure that Ye Yashuang's life is not in danger, they will not bother.

They had had enough of Ye Yashuang's temper.

If it wasn't for someone behind her, she would have been wiped out countless times.

Now that someone is venting their anger on their behalf, they will naturally not try to stop it.

If Ye Yashuang knew that the reason why everyone didn't help was because of what she had done, I don't know if she will improve in the future. People hate.

"Ye Yayan, what did you eat?" Ye Ya stood up angrily. The moment she stood up, everyone's eyes were on her. In an instant, she became A man of all eyes.

Ye Yashuang didn't feel any burden about the people's probing eyes. She yelled so loudly not to advertise Ye Yayan, but to drag her into hell.

It's just that Ye Yashuang has a good plan. Could it be that Ye Yayan didn't pass the wall ladder?
If her IQ could drag her into hell, then she would have died countless times.

She really didn't notice this little trick.

"Of course it's the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill!" Ye Yayan didn't seem to understand the meaning of Ye Ya's double words, so he just said it.

(End of this chapter)

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