Chapter 555

As soon as Ye Yayan said the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill, Ye Ya's eyes flashed with joy. Originally, she was thinking of some way to get Ye Yayan to say it, but she never thought that she would give the Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill so easily. Speak up.

After Ye Ya spoke, Ye Ya could clearly see the fiery look in everyone's eyes.

Nine Turns Resurrection Pill, that is really a good life-saving pill. From her dying reaction just now, it can be seen that this pill is very powerful.

"Sister, is there any more?" At this moment, Ye Yashuang even called Ye Yayan "Sister".

Hearing Ye Ya double calling her sister, Ye Yayan couldn't help but want to vomit, her stomach acid was too much, and she couldn't take it anymore.

"Of course!" After the three words Ye Yayan fell, Ye Yashuang resisted to give Ye Yayan a thumbs up.

That's what she was waiting for.

These three words also made the fire in everyone's eyes even hotter.

This time, they entered the cave without knowing the danger. If they had Nine Turns Resurrection Pill by their side, it would be equivalent to an extra life. At this moment, they looked at Ye Yayan with a tinge of fire in their eyes.

Everyone's reactions fell into Ye Yashuang's eyes one by one. Seeing everyone's appearance, she couldn't hide the joy in her eyes.

Many mouths make gold, even a mouthful of saliva can drown Ye Yayan, not to mention these people who are fighting now, if they fight for it, then...

Thinking of that scene, Ye Yashuang couldn't help being excited.

"How much more?" Ye Yashuang didn't see the irony in Ye Yayan's eyes at all.

From Ye Yashuang's point of view, this time, she has already controlled the overall situation, but they don't know that it is Ye Yayan who controls the situation, not her!

It's a pity that Ye Yashuang, who was immersed in the world she had constructed and could not extricate herself from, would not notice this scene at all.

Since she wants to play, let her play with her and see where her bottom line is!
"About a dozen or so, what? My sister still wants it?" Ye Yayan's younger sister shouted, and she was getting goosebumps, let alone Ye Yashuang who was called her younger sister.

But for her plan, no matter how unbearable it was, she would endure it.

"Yes, I want it. If my sister is willing to give it to me, then...then..." Ye Yashuang didn't know what to say, and she blushed anxiously in order to get on with the rest.

She, can't screw it up!
Just when she was running around in a hurry, Ye Yayan's voice reached her ears.

"Ye Yashuang, do you have amnesia? Just now, I gave you a whole bottle!" As soon as Ye Yayan said this, everyone's eyes turned to Ye Yashuang again and go.

Naturally, she gave the pill. This time, it depends on how Ye Yashuang handles it.

Of course, she only said that she gave the elixir, not the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill!
"What?" Ye Yashuang's words almost made Ye Yashuang lose his footing.

"Look, isn't that green bottle in your arms the pill bottle that contains the Nine Turns Resurrection Pill? You see, my sister treats you so kindly. Even if you don't want to see me, I still want to give the good things to you. You, I have given you such a precious Nine-Turn Resurrection Pill!" Ye Yayan's words were quite lethal.

Everyone could ignore the first few sentences, but the last sentence pierced their hearts and let them know who got the Jiuzhuan Resurrection Pill!

(End of this chapter)

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