Chapter 567 Saint Breath
"Immediately!" Even if he really forgot completely, Ye Yayan would not say that he forgot, if so, it would be self-defeating.

With a whoosh, after Ye Yayan nodded in agreement, Yan Fei appeared in front of Ye Yayan and Luo Lihao.

At this time, Yan Fei has changed a lot from what he saw before. At this time, Yan Fei exudes a calming atmosphere, as if all troubles can disappear, and there is even A trace of power to cleanse the soul.

Yan Fei just stood there, doing nothing, and it was so lethal.

If he makes a move, what will be the effect?

She is looking forward to it!

"Master, there is the aura of a saint here!" As soon as Yan Fei appeared, he heard and tweeted, trying to find out the aura of a saint.

As a good man of the ninth generation, he will become a saint, so he is extremely sensitive to the breath of a saint, which is why he has to come out in a hurry.

"Where is it?" Upon hearing Yan Fei's words, Ye Yayan's emotions immediately rose.

"It's right here!" Yan Fei locked the breath of a saint in this place, but he didn't gain anything.

However, he can be sure that the saint's aura is here.

"There seems to be something wrong with this mural?" Yan Fei wandered around the area where they were, but to his disappointment, he didn't see the breath of the saint intercepted.

However, soon, his attention was attracted by the murals on the stone wall.

"This mural actually has the aura of a saint!" Originally thought that Yan Fei would say something else, but he didn't expect that he would refer to the aura of a saint.

Regarding Yan Fei's words, Ye Yayan will naturally not doubt it. As a quasi-sage, he is naturally very sensitive to the aura of a saint. Since he said that the murals have the aura of a saint, then whether the person who painted here is a saint ?

If this is the case, then the previous speculation is invalid, this place is not the base of the Yaozu.

But, if not, then why are there so many things describing the Yaozu here.

Even the expressions of everyone are so vividly drawn.

This must be observed by someone who has lived in the monster clan for many years, and this person has a high status in the monster clan, otherwise, he would not have come into contact with Mu Wan.

But if this person is really a saint, it is impossible for the Yaozu to tolerate his existence.

This is contradictory in itself.

But, I can't explain anything else!
What exactly is going on?

At this time, not only Ye Yayan was frowning, but also Luo Lihao.

His head was even a little muddy, it seemed that the more he went in, the more knotted the nerves in his head would be.

"Do all the murals have the aura of saints, or only a few?" This is very important, especially the mural of Mu Xin, if it is on every mural, then maybe it is okay Explain other things, but if there are only a few specific ones, then it will be what she thinks.

"Let me take a look!" Just now, I just glanced at it casually, and didn't go deep into it. Now that Ye Yayan asked this question, Yan Fei just observed it one by one.

After all the murals were seen by Yan Fei, Yan Fei's face was a bit ugly, and his face that had started to become a little rosy, now turned pale again, terribly white!
(End of this chapter)

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