Chapter 568 Black Silver Saint
"Doesn't every mural have the aura of a saint?" Ye Yayan just asked this question, but he didn't expect Yan Fei to nod.

"Yes, not every mural has the aura of a saint. There are only a few individual ones. I also observed it, and in the murals that I sensed the aura of a saint, there is this person! "The person Yan Fei refers to is none other than Mu Xin.

Mu Xin, what role is she playing here?
"Which ones?" Ye Yayan's eyesight is really not very good, no, among so many murals, she just saw the existence of Mu Xin, and she didn't notice the other murals.

If Yan Fei hadn't pointed it out to her, she really didn't see it.

Sure enough, Mu Xin exists on every mural that has the aura of a saint.

Whether big or small, there is Mu Xin, and Mu Xin's expression has not changed in every mural.

It seems that she has such an expression.

"Is Mu Xin a saint?" Ye Yayan asked with some doubts, "A saint must be a human race?"

"That's not necessarily the case, but it's impossible for the Yaozu to become a saint. Generally speaking, the Yaozu will become gods, unless..." Yan Fei's turning point made Ye Yayan and Luo Lihao's ears tremble. Stand up.

Obviously, they really want to know the answer.

This answer may be able to unravel the truth about the extermination of the Yaozu.

If the truth is really revealed, there is no need for Ye Yayan to go back to the past to watch the annihilation of the Yaozu.

"Unless there is hatred and killing intent in your heart, you will become a saint!" Ye Yayan's eyes widened slightly as soon as Yan Fei said this, and those big eyes were full of disbelief.

With hatred and murderous intent, you can actually become a saint. When did the saint become so cheap?

"Is there something wrong with what you said?" If there is no problem, then everyone can be holy.

Instead of asking for a good man of the ninth world!
"Saints are also divided into good and bad, like me, once sanctified, it will shine with holy light and become a golden saint, but if people with hatred and killing intent are sanctified, they will be surrounded by a layer of black mist, They are called black silver saints! To put it simply and clearly, evil cultivators can also become gods. Naturally, among the saints, the so-called evil cultivators are black silver saints!" For a while, Yan Fei didn't know what Xiang Ye said how to explain.

"So that's how it is!" This kind of explanation is completely reasonable, which makes Ye Yayan even more suspicious that all this is caused by Mu Xin.

"I now think that there is an 80.00% chance that it is Mu Xin. If it is someone else, they will not want to destroy the Yaozu, but annex it, and become the king of the Yaozu line. Only Muxin, she will Thinking about how to destroy the Yaozu, so as to give Mu Wan a fatal blow." At this time, Ye Yayan was thinking about the problem from Mu Xin's perspective.

A woman whose eyes are lost by jealousy, hatred and murderous intent, she can indeed do it.

At that time, she may have fallen into a state of madness.

As if she was the only one left in the whole world, she was going to destroy the Yaozu!
I have to say, it really did.

Monster clan, one clan was destroyed!
Since then, she has disappeared from this world, disappeared completely, and Mu Wan's whereabouts are also unknown. Until now, Ye Yayan doesn't know where Mu Wan went?

It's even possible that she has left this world!

(End of this chapter)

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