Chapter 579 Blue Flame
Treasures, so many treasures!

At this time, Feng Xi and An Yi's eyes were shining.

In their eyes, the treasures at this time will become theirs, to be precise, Ye Yayan's.

However, what surprised Ye Yayan was that she didn't see the treasure that Feng Xi and An Yi said.

Could it be that there is something wrong with her eyes?


Although her eyes have not reached 2, she still has 0 eyesight, but now, she can't see anything.

What's happening here?
Ye Yayan really didn't understand this point!

"Where? Where?" Could it be that a mirage or a mirage appeared!
"On top of your head!" Feng Xi said weakly.

"Master, don't you pay attention to observe the surrounding environment?" An Yi added.

This sentence is still very lethal!
This time, she did not observe the surroundings, because in her opinion, there was nothing worthy of her attention, but now, An Yi's words made her unable to open her mouth to refute, especially the top of her head. I took a look.

Reminded by An Yi, Ye Yayan's gaze went up, and he was also dumbfounded after seeing it.

so much!
Looking up, he didn't even think about the treasures, what kind of artifacts, what kind of magic pills, even the rare treasures of heaven and earth, even the heavenly spirit fruit that can save Bai Ze.

what is happening?
Ye Yayan doesn't think that these treasures will appear for no reason, she even thinks it's an illusion!
"Master, this is not an illusion. This is real. If you have the ability, then these treasures will be yours!" This is not an illusion, but all the treasures here are open to everyone. If you have If you're capable, it won't be a problem to take all these things away.

However, it also depends on whether you have the ability.

The most important thing is that these treasures can be seen and seen by everyone, which means that if you take the treasures, everyone can snatch them from you. It is impossible for you to steal the treasures secretly.

This is also the scary part of this cave!
Humans are the most terrifying creatures, especially those who are blinded by treasures.

"Why do I feel that everyone can see it?" Ye Yayan was not impulsive, and went to snatch these treasures rashly. She observed below for a while, and after observing, she realized that this place seemed to be reflected in a mirror. Her every move here can be seen by people from other places.

It feels like a live broadcast!
"Yes, everyone can see it, look, this fool has made a move!" Just as he was speaking, a man became the first person to eat crabs.

However, before his hand touched the treasure, it was burned by a flame emitting blue light.

When the blue flame burned to the man's hand, in an instant, the small flame turned into a fire dragon, engulfing the man in an instant.

blue flame?

Ye Yayan was a little dumbfounded when he saw the blue flame, what kind of flame is this?
Moreover, this flame seems to have a power of ice.

Because she saw that although the man was engulfed by the flames, ice slag appeared. Obviously, the blue flame contained the power of ice.

"This blue flame is also a treasure?" This is the first time Ye Yayan has seen such a flame. If he can get this flame, it will definitely be a great help!
(End of this chapter)

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