The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 580 Treasures Are Decreasing

Chapter 580 Treasures Are Decreasing

"Well, this flame is indeed a treasure, but it is incomparable to the burning golden flame in the master's body!" This blue flame, An Yi and Feng Xi really looked down upon it, if it wasn't for Ye Ya If there is Fenshi Jinyan in Yan's body, then this icy flame must be obtained, but this process must not be so pleasant.

"I can't take it?" It would be a pity if I missed the ice flame!

"The Fenshi Jinyan will devour the ice flames. If it is normal, maybe it can, but now, with so much attention, people will find out. Once the ice flames enter the body, the Fenshi Jinyan in the master's body will definitely be released. Come out, once released, it will be terrible!" The Fenshi Jinyan in Ye Yayan's body cannot be known by outsiders, otherwise, the game that was set up at the beginning would be meaningless.

"Oh, what a pity!" Ye Yayan sighed slightly. It's a pity to lose such a blue flame, but she also understands that she has to weigh the gains and losses.

The death of this man did not cause much commotion, and the crowd didn't even frown. To them, this man was just throwing stones to ask for directions, which also let them know the danger of taking away the treasure.

Although it was dangerous, everyone did not retreat.

They must get this treasure, otherwise, this trip will be in vain.

But, how do they get this treasure?
That's the key!
Before, they didn't even notice that there was a blue flame, which appeared out of nowhere, and they didn't even have a chance to retreat.

"Master, I want to try!" An Yi was about to move, looking at such a treasure, it was really impossible not to be tempted.

In particular, one of the treasures inside is what it needs.

"Wait and talk, I don't know how many dangers there are!" They can't be the second person, since the treasure is placed on it, they should wait and say.

"I can't wait any longer, otherwise, I don't know how many accidents will happen, and I think these treasures may not always be here!" During the meeting, Ye Yayan found that the number of treasures floating above their heads was decreasing.


Not just a visual reduction, but a real reduction!
"The treasures are much less, have they been taken away?" Ye Yayan and the others were not the only ones who noticed this situation, as long as they were in the cave, they all noticed this situation.

The reduction of treasures made everyone even more eager to snatch them.

If they were not afraid of danger, they would have acted long ago.

"Anyi!" Just as Ye Yayan was thinking about how to do it, Anyi had already acted.

When An Yi moved, Ye Yayan's heart hung in his throat, and he looked at An Yi without blinking.

Dark Wing's speed was very fast, and with a flash of his claws, he held the treasure in his claws. However, soon, everyone discovered that the treasure in Dark Wing's claws disappeared in its claws the moment it was held. middle.

As the beast in question, Anyi was a little dazed when the treasure disappeared.

With just such a flash of divine effort, a bloodstain appeared on its body.

It wasn't until the pain came that An Yi realized that he was injured!
It didn't even know what was attacking it, because there was nothing sneaking up on it from the beginning to the end!
Similarly, the people watching below did not see it either!
(End of this chapter)

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