Chapter 582 Fighting
To make Bai Ze recover as soon as possible, the purple Sky Spirit Fruit is a must. She can give up all these treasures, but only the Sky Spirit Fruit can't.

So, no matter there is danger or not, she has to go up.

With this thinking method, the treasures are much less.

Under the so-called heavy reward, there must be a brave man, no, stimulated by the ever-decreasing number of treasures, everyone has decided to fight.

It's just that the price of this failure is a bit high!

But for the treasure, they fought hard!

If they don't act again, this treasure will all disappear.

Watching the treasure disappear, it is definitely a kind of torture, a kind of pain!

I can't wait any longer, every time I wait, the treasure will disappear!

Immediately, everyone took action.

If all the personnel attack together, even if it is a sneak attack, only a few of them will be successful.

The moment everyone made a move, Ye Yayan also made a move.

She went straight to the Sky Spirit Fruit, with only one goal, and that was the Sky Spirit Fruit.

However, when her hand was about to touch the Sky Spirit Fruit, Xu Danchen also arrived, and he was also staring at the Sky Spirit Fruit.

"Are you going to let go, or should we fight?" This time, there was no surprise attack, but there was a fight, especially a fight about getting to know someone.

Even though they are no longer in the same place to eat, they can compete with each other.

"I need the Sky Spirit Fruit. If you just want to improve your strength, I can help you with other methods!" If you just want to improve your strength, then you definitely don't need the Sky Spirit Fruit, and she wants the Sky Spirit Fruit to save lives. of.

"I said before that I need the Sky Spirit Fruit. If I have two, I will share one with you. You should give up. You are not my opponent!" Naturally, Xu Danchen didn't want to confront Ye Yayan, but , once matched, he will naturally not be soft.

He is bound to get the Heavenly Spirit Fruit!
"If it's something else, perhaps for Zi Han's sake, I would give up, but the Sky Spirit Fruit, I won't!" The Sky Spirit Fruit was used to save Bai Ze's life, how could she give up.

"Xu Danchen, if you want it, then come here!" She will never take a step back when dealing with this matter.

"Then I'm sorry!" After saying that, Xu Danchen attacked Ye Yayan.

After all, they are not in the same place, so there are some problems with this attack method. However, Xu Danchen found another way and directly used soul attack.

Yes, Soul Attack!
In Xu Danchen's view, this is definitely the most trouble-free.

Soul attack is also the most effective. Of course, after facing Ye Yayan, he didn't use all his strength. In his opinion, Ye Yayan is still a friend.

He just needs to make her non-combat.

However, he didn't know how huge Ye Yayan's soul was, and his attack was like scratching an itch.

However, his soul attack also opened a door for Ye Yayan. If she was still thinking of using an attack before, there is no need for it now.

Soul, attack!

When Xu Danchen's soul was attacked, he realized how ironic it was that he used soul attack. She, Ye Yayan was not harmed by it at all, and it even hurt his soul in turn.

Even if it was only a little bit, he lost his fighting power. Most importantly, this blow completely shattered his self-confidence!

The soul attack he was proud of was defeated in front of Ye Yayan!

(End of this chapter)

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