Chapter 583 Hit by the Light
After making Xu Danchen lose his fighting power, Ye Yeyayan stretched out his hand towards the Sky Spirit Fruit.

The moment her hand was about to touch the Sky Spirit Fruit, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and a sharp sword energy came straight to Ye Yayan's head.

If she was shot by it, her life would be completely over!

Fortunately, Ye Yayan didn't relax her vigilance when she reached out to grab the Sky Spirit Fruit. The moment she heard the sound of piercing through the sky, she gently moved her body to the side and dodged the attack.

However, this attack is continuous, and there will be many times after evading it once.

The sword light continued, Ye Yayan was already calm, and did not relax his vigilance.

swoosh swish...

One after another!

"Damn, this chick's reaction is too fast, such an attack can't hurt her at all!"

"This adaptability is really good, but I don't believe that they can escape our next wave of attacks!"

"Have you noticed that her spiritual power seems to be endless and endless?" This point is worthy of their doubts.

Their attacks come in turns, so there is no problem of exhaustion of spiritual power, but Ye Yayan only has one, she can't rest like that at all, but now, she seems to be fine.

"It seems that she has a treasure on her body, let's destroy her first!" As for the treasure, there is no rush now.

As long as they kill her, the treasure will be theirs.

After everyone has a target, the attacks will really continue.

Although Ye Yayan's spiritual power was enormous, she couldn't stand up to their wheel battle. She was already a little weak under the attack of Lun Lun.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid they really have their way.

"Master, I killed these shameless people!" Seeing Ye Yayan's appearance, Feng Xi knew that she couldn't last long, and immediately decided to kill them by herself.

These dross are not enough for it to stick between its teeth.

"Will there be any danger?" Feng Xi's appearance was too unconvincing.

"Of course there will be no danger, master, look at me!" Feng Xi was still very sure of her own strength.

These days, under Bai Ze's teaching, its growth is still very fast.


During the time Feng Xi left, Ye Yayan heard continuous screams, the screams were really miserable!

It feels creepy to listen to.

At the moment Feng Xi shot, Ye Yayan saw the timing and snatched the Sky Spirit Fruit.

As soon as he got the Sky Spirit Fruit, he sent it directly into the Youlan Dimension.

At the same time, Feng Xi also returned to her wrist.

Immediately, one person and one beast quickly left the place. At this time, they could no longer bring them here.

However, at the moment of leaving, a ray of light shot out from the mural on the stone wall and directly sank into Ye Yayan's body.

Ye Yayan didn't notice this momentary change at all, and even if she did, she didn't have time to escape.

What the hell is going on!

Ye Yayan really didn't know that this mural would actually emit light.

You know, they didn't stay in this place for just a little time, and they lived in peace before, why did the light suddenly flash at the moment she was about to leave, and it just directly entered her body?
At this moment, Ye Yayan found that his body seemed to be suspended in the air...

(End of this chapter)

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