Chapter 588 Betrayed Viciously
Is it normal?
Is proper fighting normal?

Of course not normal!
If it is a small fight, then there is no problem, but it also depends on who and who the small fight is!
If it's a small fight between human beings themselves, or a small fight between the monster races, then there is absolutely no problem.

But now it's the monster race and the human race!
How can it be normal for two people of different races to fight together!
Moreover, small fights can also turn into big fights!

Finally, one day, the battle broke out!
Unexpectedly by Mu Wan, the battle just broke out!
The human race and the demon race once again entered a tense moment.

Perhaps Mu Wan never thought about this point.

She probably never thought that under her support, the monster race and the human race could actually fight again.

This time, no one gave way to anyone, and this time, Mu Xin stood in front of all the monster races, standing on the opposite side of humans.

From the beginning to the end, Mu Xin was unknown, but this time, she showed her strength no less than Mu Wan.

The addition of Mu Xin made the situation even more tense.

The power of Mu Xin also made all the Yaozu see the hope of the Yaozu to destroy human beings.

As for Mu Wan, the monster races were actually dissatisfied. In their view, the monster race should live forever with humans instead of living in peace with humans.

Before, if it weren't for Mu Wan's majesty, they would not have lived in peace with humans.

Now, finally, the time has come to tear face off with humans.

In this way, under Mu Xin's planning, the Yaozu's hatred for humans gradually recovered.

Humans, of course, will not let the monster race go. In this way, the monster race and the human race have entered the most tense moment.

Mu Xin's strength surpassed that of anyone else, even the most powerful priest of the human race did not have the power of Mu Xin.

It can be said that Mu Xin is omnipotent, as long as she points to it, there will be sorrow everywhere!
The Yaozu itself is a race that loves to fight. In the eyes of the Yaozu, the Demon King should be like Mu Xin.

Mu Wan, she is worthy to be the Demon King.

The existence of a demon king like Mu Wan is a disgrace to their demon clan!

In this way, Mu Wan began to be spurned by all the monster clans. Of course, not all the monster clans, but at this time, it also occupied most of them.

Most of the monster clan think that Mu Xin is the king of their monster clan!
After repeated interventions, Mu Xin finally gained power. When she became a new generation of Demon King, the way she looked at Mu Wan was completely ironic.

The sarcasm of Chi Guoguo made Ye Yayan feel sad for Mu Wan.

And the memory was also interrupted at this moment, and never continued.

Ye Yayan wanted to know the follow-up, but there was none!
It's as if the novel has been written in half, and suddenly, the author stopped updating and never continued. This kind of depressed mood can be imagined.

Ye Yayan was like this at this time!

Enough of such a bad thing!
From Bai Ze's memory, she knew that Mu Wan's love for Mu Xin was really not a good word to describe, it seemed that she would give everything Mu Wan could give.

From Mu Wan's point of view, whoever is the least likely to betray her is Mu Xin, because they are one.

However, she had no idea that the person who betrayed her first was Mu Xin, not anyone else!

Everything was planned by her, starting from the very beginning of the battle!
As for Mu Wan, she didn't even know what Mu Xin did all this for?
(End of this chapter)

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