The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 589 Mother and Daughter Meeting

Chapter 589 Mother and Daughter Meeting

Ye Yayan saw deep jealousy in Mu Xin's eyes.

That kind of jealousy can destroy people!
Maybe it has been there since the beginning!
After all, Mu Xin's strength is no less than Mu Wan's, even her strength is higher than Mu Wan's, but Mu Wan has become the Demon King, and she can only be the Demon King's younger sister.

Even though Mu Wan treats her very well, and other members of Yaozu respect her very much, but this is not enough for her.

In her opinion, the demon king can only be herself.

Therefore, she wants to ruin Mu Wan!

But she had no idea that while destroying Mu Wan, she was also destroying herself.

If it is said that jealousy is the gunpowder hidden in the body.

That envy is the fuse!
Although Bai Ze didn't have any details about her father in her memory, she could guess that it was probably her father who ignited the fuse in Mu Xin's heart.

For so many years without incident, even though there was jealousy hidden in her heart, she did not release it.

Therefore, she boldly speculated that the fuse was her father.

Mu Wan, as a demon king, should have a very high vision, and from Luo Lihao's words, she can feel that her father must be an extraordinary person. As Mu Wan's twin sister, Mu Xin, she must also fall in love with her Father.

At the wrong time, they meet each other, thus starting a chase.

Unfortunately, it was all wrong!
Therefore, Mu Xin's anger burned completely, thus destroying herself and the Yaozu!
Although this is his own guess and there is not much truth to it, Ye Yayan feels that this guess is close to 80.00%.

80.00%, this is already a very high probability!
However, now, what Ye Yayan has to consider is where is the space she is in?
Also, who is the demon king of this demon clan?
Who is in charge?
Fortunately, soon, the answer she wanted to know appeared!
"You, are you the human who broke into our monster clan?" A clear but not majestic voice sounded.

The moment Ye Yayan heard the voice, his body trembled instinctively.

Even if he doesn't look at the person, Ye Yayan knows who this person is?
Even though the soul has dissipated, the instinct remaining in this body has not disappeared. Even if it only hears a sound, this body can respond. I have to say, Mu Wan, is too important to this body. It was as if it had been carved into the bone marrow.

Actually, it is!
This body can endure the Ye family's bullying for ten years, just to see Mu Wan again. Unfortunately, Mu Wan has not appeared in the past ten years, and she has not even seen a single person. Did not see.

But they didn't expect that their meeting would cross history and return to the past.

However, now she has to resist the urge to recognize each other, because history cannot be changed, otherwise, she will disappear from this world forever.

She cannot dissipate, cannot die!
She promised Luo Lihao that she would live a good life, at least, when we meet again, she will be intact.

This time, time was reversed. Although she did not do it, she was still a little happy. At least, she could understand the past and all of her mother's past.

"I'm sorry, I didn't intend to enter your territory, but I made some mistakes!" Yes, mistakes, mistakes made her turn back time, and came to the monster clan where Mu Wan used to be, the once prosperous and glorious monster clan!

(End of this chapter)

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