The waste wood mad concubine is too arrogant

Chapter 590 Just Don't Want Her To Die

Chapter 590 Just Don't Want Her To Die
"A mistake? I seem to have heard that you fell from the sky? Could this also be a mistake?" Mu Wan naturally wouldn't believe Ye Yayan's words.

Although she had never seen such a thing falling from the sky, Ye Yayan did indeed descend from the sky, and it was so unbelievable that she appeared directly on the altar of their monster clan.

The altar is the spiritual symbol of their monster clan, but Ye Yayan landed on their altar like this. This scene cheered up the whole monster clan.

You must know that only the new generation of demon kings will appear on the altar, and none of the other demon clans can touch the altar, otherwise, they will suffer from the burning fire.

However, when Ye Yayan landed on the altar, nothing happened.

Not even the fur burned!
This makes them incredible.

The most important thing is that this person is not a member of their monster clan, but a human being, a real human being.

What exactly is going on?

If it didn't make them feel weird, maybe Ye Yayan would have been wiped out by them when she entered the Yaozu, instead of letting her stay in the iron cage.

"I was brought here by a black hole, and I don't know why I appeared here!" Ye Yayan said, but there was no trace of deceit at all, she was indeed brought here by a black hole, even in her The moment she opened her eyes, she didn't know where she was.

"Black hole? Are you joking?" Mu Wan didn't believe Ye Yayan's answer at all. In her opinion, it was absolutely nonsense.

"I'm not kidding, I'm really..."

"Sister, tell her so much what to do, anyway, you will die in the end!" Just as Ye Yayan was still thinking about what to say to Mu Wan, a voice broke in suddenly.

As the voice fell, Mu Xin appeared in front of Ye Yayan.

Although it was the first time they met, Ye Yayan was no stranger to Mu Xin. After seeing so many murals, he could recognize her even with his eyes closed.

Sure enough, just like the description on the mural, the depths of her eyes were full of jealousy.

That deep jealousy is really easy to completely ignite people.

"Xin'er, she can't die before everything is figured out!" Ye Yayan's appearance was too weird. Of course, there was another point that Mu Wan didn't say was that she didn't want her to die.

No, even if she wants to be an enemy of the entire Yaozu, she doesn't want Ye Yayan to die.

She doesn't understand why she has such emotions, but she understands that deep in her heart she has a kind of closeness to Ye Yayan, even more so than Mu Xin.

what is happening?
She has no idea!

Also, why did she appear on the altar?
Could she be the next generation of Demon King?

However, the appearance of the demon king will only be the death of the old demon king, and the new demon king will appear.

Now that she is alive and well, it doesn't make sense for Ye Yayan to appear, and she is still human.

However, she neither suffered the pain of being burned by the fire, nor was she uncomfortable because she was in the demon clan. At this moment, she couldn't understand at all, and she couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Why? Didn't you deal with intruding humans like this before? Could it be that my sister is softening her heart?" Mu Xinyou looked at Mu Wan suspiciously. As a twin, she could feel Mu Wan's mood swings, although she didn't Strong, but she could still feel the difference between Mu Wan and Ye Yayan.

(End of this chapter)

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